Purification Pentagram

Wei Jiayi arrived at the scene standing up on the bear, with his ever gloomy handsome face. 

The bear was supposed to be cooked by Gao Lan Mei, but judging by the current situation, it would take a while before he could taste his wife's cooked food. 

He looked like someone who had just finished fighting against a strong opponent. His lower lip was cut, there was also some dry blood on it. A part of his robe was torn as well. It looked like a cut from a sword. 

With his face scowling, it was apparent that Wei Jaiyi was in a very bad mood.

"I will deal with you all later for just watching your princess get hurt badly, and for letting her go on a rampage," Wei Jiayi's said, voice deadly. He did not even look at any of his subordinates. All his attention was only towards Gao Lan Mei.