
Wei Jiayi always had the feeling that Gao Lan Mei's mother was a force to be reckoned with.

He wants to know more, but he was also aware that the rest of the keepers under him would not speak up. Keepers have a very strong blood connection. Even if one acknowledged a master, they would still favor the being from the same race above anyone else.

If punishment were necessary, five or more keepers administered it to their own, themselves. They would also never make an oath just to anyone. So when Li Mao swore in the name of her ancestors, he felt goosebumps and was left speechless. It was said so casually but the meaning behind it held a lot of weight.

"Whom your kind had served…" he silently repeated the words last spoken by his mother-in-law. Just thinking about it left a bitter taste in his mouth as his face suddenly hardened.