Wei Jiayi pulled her hand to make her stop, "Wife, where are you going? You cannot leave the mountain barefoot..." he said, voice gentle, trying to make her understand that he was only concerned about her.
With a glare, "I am used to walk barefoot and I am not leaving the mountain," she said, then continued to walk, allowing Wei Jiayi to hold her hand, too tired to bother with it.
In her previous life, she did not even have a pair of shoes because of the chain in her foot or probably she was just uncomfortable to wear one.
Wei Jiayi looked at her back, her long hair that reached her hips swayed, while she walked with urgency.
After a while of waiting for her to tell more, "Then where are you going?" he asked curiously, wondering what she had planned to do.
The toxin was still in her system. Could she cure herself? Did she know how to?