Wonderful results

"You know what's more fascinating? When all proven facts available combined with magic, it creates wonderful results." She said smiling as if she fascinated with the mere idea.

Then adding, "Just like now, you don't know why you cannot move right?" She asked with a smirk, not really waiting for Li Shao answer cause it's impossible for him to speak.

Gao Lan Mei the opened the pouch and pulled out a black snake. The snake is currently helping her but not as much as how Yen Mingjue was able to before.

It is now just like a normal snake that gets minor orders like biting an enemy silently, using simple spells.

The pawn is temporarily under her command while its original master is somewhere that he did not even mention.

Until now, there is still no news from Yen Mìngjué. Who knows what that demi-god is up to.

Gao Lan Mei used a couple of tests to alter the poisons and antibodies that are inside the small snake's constitution into her own special mixed.