"What others?" Li Shao suddenly asked, eyes blinking, "What did you do?!" he then asked as he glare at Gao Lan Mei.
Li Shao shook his head, he slowly tilted his head towards his right shoulder. Then to his left to get back to his senses as still slightly dizzy.
Gao Lan Mei walked towards him while looking curiously, "You are stronger than what I thought." She is now taking back what she thought earlier about the complete control, as she also the time limit is also shorter.
She feels that there is a great need to learn more about toxins and poisons. Sadly, her previous life does not give her resources to test such things.
Good thing opportunities like this arise. She probably needs to meditate and try to dig deeper into her memories. Having two memories in one brain really needs a lot of work.
"I said, what did you do?!" Li Shao seethed, death glare piercing enough to make someone move back if he is only talking to a normal person.