Some are proud to be part of the race due to the story that they are a lineage from the gods.
That may be true as they are just beings blessed with a different ability fit for their role. What role? Li Mao does not know. For being caretakers? Probably.
"You were in the Immortal Domain at the time your father was branded as a criminal?" She asked suddenly Li Shao that is currently in deep thought with all the things that he has learned.
Li Mao nodded his head, "Yes. Justice Affairs visited our home looking for him." He said softly more cooperative. "Why are we not aware of these treasures?" he asked. "Even the other Keepers are not aware."
"Hmm... No one really wants to deal with anyone giving unnecessary attention. Why you want that?" Li Mao asked.
There are a handful of Keepers who know, not too many hopefully. Those who tried the trial but was not chosen and end up spreading the new. Then those who are chosen and was given special protection.