Lover's quarrel

Inside the Wei hidden Courtyard

The lanterns are all lit brightly with spirit stones and the clearly illuminate a beautiful woman holding a small pup on her hands while a man is following closely behind her.

Wei Jiayi continued to follow Gao Lan Mei around. He is getting comfortable and used to pester her to the point that he is confident to do it all year round until he can touch her again.

"Mei Mei, why are you so unfair? You are ignoring me. Intentionally forgetting as a matter of fact that you owe me a lot of things." He said accusingly loud enough for almost the whole beings in the courtyard to hear. "See you are even ignoring me!"

The servants and guards bowed their heads to hide their smile. It is fun to watch their master act like a wounded husband, while the wife tried to hide in embarrassment.

Wei Jiayi is following behind her, he is like a tail that regardless of how fast she walked away from him, he is behind her.