Wei Jiayi does not need to ask why Gao Lan Mei knows about the matters of another universe, he is not clueless about her capabilities just like the rest.
He can just ignore this but, not the slight pang of hurt in his heart for being taken negatively after all his effort. Wei Jiayi cannot blame her anyway, all he can do is endure and do much better of taking care of her.
It is still sad for him though as he enjoys riling her up. Probably, he should plan it more carefully next time.
Gao Lan Mei peered at Wei Jiayi skeptically, "Really?" she asked as uncertain if she heard wrong. Her impression of him is someone who does not have any romantic bone. "Why?" she added.
"Do you like them?" Wei Jiayi questioned instead of answering. He first placed the flowers from Xi Ma on the table and walked towards her, staring intently, "I want you to like them." He uttered silently as he peered to the bowl of food she is currently holding.