Hunt the boss

Li Mao nodded and smiled to Gao Lan Mei. It is seldom that her daughter shows worry for her mother and father. Most of the time it is always the other way around.

"We will be fine. Do not leave Deacon Ma's side. When everyone was able to go inside the palace, and transport to a different empire, Gao Shen can teleport us all to safety." Li Mao explained.

Gao Lan Mei nodded her head, "I have Kai Kai as well. I will be fine." She assured. Though she is ready to fight, she prefers to just sleep in all honesty.

"Second Uncle, Lou Ren, can I do something for you?" Gao Lan Mei asked suddenly, wanting to offer assistance hoping that all of the beings that are

"What is it?" Gao Shen asked.

"Let me check your pulse before you both leave. I would like to make sure you are both on a good condition." Gao Lan Mei reached for her Gao Shen's wrists, that also goes for Lou Ren.

"All good. On the best condition." Gao Lan Mei nodded with satisfaction.