The ground where return arrow was shot is exactly where Ma Fei Hong was standing!
Just like what happened inside the cracks, the return shot from the smoke image of Ma Fei Hong also created explosions.
Gao Lan Mei and Ma Fei Hong were able to teleport to the nearest cliff, high enough for them to be able to see what happened.
"So, next plan?" Gao Lan Mei asked with a frown. "It can deflect the attack. Very inconvenient!" She added.
"Blasted!" Ma Fei Hong finally shouted with annoyance, after a while of staring at the aftermath of the return shot. To help with her frustration, she raised her clenched fist in the air, preparing to punch the ground.
"Stop. Do not destroy the cliff." Gao Lan Mei advice. Who knows if Ma Fei Hong has enough strength to make the cliff collapse with one punch? "Do we have limited options?"