Toasted to death

Then the light condensed circularly before it flew upon the sky towards its destination fast, suddenly it exploded!

Everyone was able to see that the cause of the explosion was black arrows, and the fear was so evident to everyone. They cannot help but be thankful that they are not chosen to go first!

"Help them!" Lou Ren exclaimed, as they dreadfully watched hundreds of beings falling from the sky!

"Quickly do something!" Someone shouted. They do not know where a large golden net came from in the sky that eventually catches most that are falling, the net must be a treasure from Justice Affairs.

The other cultivators also moved swiftly to save those that the net cannot reach. Despite all, their attempt to save, the beings that fell from the sky are already toasted to death!

After realizing that they can also die by just trying to escape, the uproar started again.

"Expert Lou! What do we do now?!"

"We are going to die here!"

"No! I do not want to die!