"Hmp! Why? Can't you just refill your spiritual energy with a pill? Sung clan is famous for medicines." Ma Fei Hong gave Sung Zhi Ruo a scrutinizing stare.
She then continued, after curling her lip up, "Removing restriction on a cultivation talisman may get me kicked out of Justice Affairs. I do not want to be jobless."
"Deacon Ma, I understand what you mean but it is not really a good time to argue. I was in the front lines earlier, and the Yinying's are on the other side of the barrier!" Sung Zhi Ruo declared. At the time she was on the other end of the barrier, she was able to see them watching, ready to pass through anytime.
Sung Zhi Ruo immediately felt the unmistaken difference of power, that is one of the reasons why she is asking to have the restriction cultivation talisman to be removed.
She is just lucky enough to notice Gao Shen's difference of cultivation level compared to the rest, that is also the reason why Sung Zhi Ruo sought Ma Fei Hong and Gao Lan Mei.