Hidden technique?

"Hmm, that is hard to explain" Gao Lan Mei is not really sure how to explain to Ma Fei Hong on what she plans to do. "Just trust me on this one."

"I see. Probably a hidden technique? That's is fine, Justice Affairs have a lot of those." Ma Fei Hong commented, but still watching Gao Lan Mei intently, making sure to not miss anything.

"Are you able to contact Miss Sung from here?" Gao Lan Mei asked eventually. Ma Fei Hong watched the young 'man' pile up woods in the middle of the chamber that they are currently at.

Ma Fei Hong nodded, "Yes. Would you like to speak to her?

After Kai Kai was able to get out from it, then it is Gao Lan Mei turn on her male outfit. "This is a good place, now lets now start working." Gao Lan Mei stated with a male voice.

"Great! What's my task?" Ma Fei Hong asked as she closed in at Gao Lan Mei.

Shrugging her shoulders, "You can make paper cranes?" Gao Lan Mei asked.