Li Huan continued to beg for a second chance silently as the tears from her eyes continued to fall.
Due to the wounds on her face, her salty tears add to the physical pain that she has at that moment.
"Tap.Tap. Tap." The sound of metal being tapped by something overlaps everywhere. Li Huan hears the whimper coming out from the others, probably from other beings on the other cells due to being scared.
Li Huan is also terrified, especially when the tapping sound sounding closer. 'Is this the end of me?' Her inner thoughts.
"Tap!" The last tap is so loud enough to startle her, and for her to stare look at her cell gate, trembling in fear.
The cell that is currently at have bars of metal as a door that clearly allows the being inside to see if someone dropped by to 'visit'.
Li Huan eyes can only stare at the being wearing an oni mask, with a painted bird on the side of the face. She does not care about other details as she is more scared for her life!