'What are they after? Are they also after the fugitive?' That idea is not something Wei Jiayi wants to dwell further.
Because the more he thinks about it, the more that he feels Gao Lan Mei is who they are looking for.
Wei Jiayi does not have any idea how it happened and especially if she is really the fugitive that they are looking for because breaking the law of life and death is next to impossible.
Right now he needs to know the truth as soon as possible and make necessary plans.
Just like what he did to this safety chambers that are also connected outside the Shizi Empire boundaries. The magical circle is only set to be activated from within for security measures.
There are only a handful of people who know about it, and Wei Jiayi hopes to keep it that way.
Zhao Liwei did not speak further and just made sure to still keep his senses sharpened. There are no doors but just tunnels, towards unknown chambers, that may have a hidden enemy.