"..." Ma Fei Hong is dumbfounded, feeling like she is hearing things by mistake. Why does it sound so wrong from Wei Jiayi?
Zhao Liwei: "..." Wei Jiayi?! Who is this dragon that he is looking at?!
"You..." Gao Lan Mei glared at him sideways, "You know that there's danger outside right? That we need to take care of that, right?" She asked with through clenched teeth.
"Of course. It is very clear." Wei Jiayi nodded like what she said is not a big deal. "Tell me first that you missed me, then not only I will not bother you, I will also be your personal guard."
With narrowed eyes, Gao Lan Mei agreed just to get over it. "Fine. I missed you. Happy?" She questioned with annoyance.
Wei Jiayi smiled slightly before speaking again seriously. "Yes happy. Promise me one more thing. You are not going to leave my side unless I say so. Understood." He added.