"Feng Ji!" Gao Lan Mei exclaimed, suddenly feeling the excitement as she floats towards the mirror.
When she was in front of the mirror, there was a quick change that made Gao Lan Mei frowned while staring at the image that is also looking back at her intently.
With a closer look, though child almost looks like Feng Ji, after the change, its hair turned silver from red and that also the case with the eyes.
Her clothes changed to silver as well that are adorned by fine materials shiny materials that look like small fine mirrors, that will reflect when light reached it.
Gao Lan Mei cannot help but move away from the mirror, before murmuring. "You are not Feng Ji."
"You are also not Gao Lan Mei of the Shizi Empire." The child just tilted her head, before Gao Lan Mei heard a voice, which she is sure that is coming from the almost exact image of Feng Ji despite the child not opening her mouth.