(Note: Original and most updated chapter are from webnovel.com. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!)
For a moment, Cuojue believes that Yen Mingjue's threat is real, which even made her stiffened and sweat due to the nervousness.
Instead of responding, she just closed her eyes, waiting for the worse. She then felt the paw that is pressing her head gone.
'Did he gave up?' Cuojue though to herself triumphantly. Still, with caution, she slowly opened her eyes and looked up. After doing so, she felt a rush of fear as Yen Mingjue has his paw suspended in the air with sharp claws visible ready to descend at her anytime.
"Oy! He will kill me! Stop him!" Cuojue exclaimed to Gao Lan Mei.