Sacrifice for what?

Everything sounded completely impossible.

This also meant that the annihilation of them all was just a matter of time. 

'Wait….. A matter of time?' Wei Jiayi could not accept that. When his thoughts arrived there, a strong sense of disharmony filled him up. He remembered an event that couldn't have happened, but it happened anyway. 'Something… I could still do something here.' 

"Blessed Juni, please use all that you have to destroy the boundary spell. If you need to sacrifice any of us, then do so. Waiting will give the enemy more time to plan against us." Li Mao declared, completely ignoring what Elder Gu had said. 

Hearing this, dread-filled their hearts. No one complained nor voiced out their distress. That was because they silently understand that if sacrifices were to be made, it was the last resort. Li Mao also had a point.