By just looking at the beings that had attacked him, made him feel really baffled. Regardless of how long he had existed, he could still not believe what he was seeing.
"Xiao Shi… This… What is going on?"
However, just like him, Xiao Shi was confused. She spread her sense around and see if there was any trap, or if the one they were looking at was only an illusion.
Of course, Yen Mingue was the same, however, it still did not remove the possibility that they were fighting with girls.
How could be possible when even Justice Affairs and YunYings had a hard time dealing with Xiao Shi alone?
Yet, no one could deny that the two girls fight with her head-on.
It was actually not comparable since Xiao Shi had lived for more than a century, while the girls in front of them clearly have a life force lower than fifteen!
When one looked closely, it could be seen that one was wearing all black robes while the other wears all white.