Soul Recovery

The voice was from a female, and it was soft and calm but still held enough authority that could not be mistaken. It was coming from the yellow soul flame that everyone calls her Madam Wei. 

"Still not leaving?!" Madam Wei said her voice now laced with annoyance. 

After Madam Wei said that, most of the flames had no choice but to leave reluctantly. 

There were still two floating spirit flames that stayed, which were the yellow and the blue flame. 

A deep heavy sigh was heard in the room after the others left. "We are all being impatient to leave. It is still most important to preserve life." The blue flame voice was heard. This blue flame was mostly called Uncle Chi, and he was a priest from a spirit tribe. 

Then she saw the blue flame slowly changing its shape into a silhouette of a man. The shape then solidifies into an older man with a white beard who has a gentle smile on his face. It was an illusion of magic-using its soul.