"It seems like you lot are not yet disciplined enough yet, that´s one of the first things we shall 'repair'." Spoke the woman with a somewhat annoyed face.
She walked to the podium with two other soldiers. When she reached the podium she turned to the soldiers who where standing right under her. Soon a little smile appeared on her face when she looked at the soldiers with an expression that she looked down on ants.
"If you have time for idle chatter, spend it to hone your skills and not to improve your chatting skills. We are soldiers not civilians."
"As you all may or may not have noticed Iam your commanding officer if you like it or not. My name is simply Commander Natascha for you all."
"To my right side is Lieutenant James and to my left side Lieutenant Visha if any of you have things to report to me, report it to the two of them."
"Our first mission is to begin marching in one hour so that is what we will be doing. I hope you are all ready. If not ... you probably can guess what could happen."
After her speech Commander Natascha left the tent with her 2 lieutenants. Marie gasped for air as soon as commander Natascha left the tent.
This was one of the scariest experiences Marie ever had while she was in the military, while she was only one year in service she could still be considered a experienced soldier because most of the conscripted soldiers are only in service for about 6 months and then leave the military as soon as they can.
Jack walked to Marie, Wolfgang and Reinhart soon joined the group.
It was now about 6am, the weather is currently cloudy with the sun not see able with the eye most of the time. Most soldiers Jack included thought that it would soon start to rain as to make the march a lot more difficult.
Time passed quickly at least for the soldiers the reason for that is that the soldiers, like every division, liked to sing march songs while they walked.
And to everyone surprises Natascha didn´t prohibited them to sing, she even tried to sing with the soldiers one time, but as soon as she started to sing she stopped because everyone looked at her with excited expressions.
And so at around 7am the next day the division reached their destination.