Come out

Jacklin was not in a place where he could trust that his royal position would save his hide. So, he immediately ran away from the doorway. Then he immediately picked up a pen from the secretaries desk and jumped underneath the table.

He did this in the nick of time. It seemed the Chamberlain was loading a fire arm in the time he was jumping under the table. He could hear the trigger click before the Chamberlain's voice entered the space.

"Your Excellence! Where did you go? My Excellence?"

Jacklin couldn't believe how sincere this guy was able to sound. It was no wonder that the former him was so easily duped. If he didn't already realize this man's deception, he probably would've run out right now, and taken a bullet into his chest.

He didn't want to imagine he would reincarnate a second time, too, as he was already lucky enough to be blessed with this body. However, what was the best thing to do in this situation?

"Come out… Your Excellence! It's absolutely urgent! Come on… Your Majesty…"

Jacklin didn't move a single muscle before the nervous girl entered the room. A second later, he heard her slammed against the wall as Chamberlain kept scanning the room while missing him under the desk.

"You! You told me that he was here, and I thought you told me you locked the doors!" Jacklin could hear him pick her up by the neck and push her against the wall.

"I-I did! You promised me 3000 golden notes for it… Obviously, I told him I'd be right back, and made sure to lock the doors."

"Fuck! He must have snuck out when you left… He must have figured it out somehow, but how! That cleric was giving him a magic poison that not even a saint could detect! How the heck did he figure it out?"

"I don't know, but please spare me. I have a husband and a child!"

The Chamberlain didn't answer for a second as Jacklin listened intently. If only he had a recording device, he could transmit this confession to one of the authorities back home… Wait, wasn't the phone on this ladies desk a direct line to the Patrol Men. He could only hope his movements wouldn't be heard as he snaked to get the phone.

"Hah… they will be well compensated after you die… Now, please don't move if you want them to get paid!"

"You're sick!" The lady shivered before Jacklin began clapping in the background.

"Yup, and he's about as smart as a sack of shit… Too bad his plan didn't account for someone betraying him."

Jacklin held up the direct line to the patrolmen. The Chamberlain was extremely shocked when he saw this, and let go of the woman's neck.

"So… you were under the desk this whole time… I swear I checked that location…"

He smiled before he pointed the gun at Jacklin. "Well, if my betrayal is going to be found out… I might as well kill you here and now!"

"Like I would let you do that." Jacklin said before he flipped up the desk. When he did this, he immediately slammed his body into the floor.


Bullet after bullet tore through the cedar desk before the sound of sirens began blazing. He then heard the footsteps of the Chamberlain before he looked down at the pen in his hand.

If he stood any chance of surviving, it was now time to test if the pen was really mightier then the sword. Well, in this case, it would be the gun, but he had no choice.

Another bullet skimmed past him before he heard Chamberlain reloaded the cartridge of a 9 mm Colt Barrage Pistol. It gave him enough time to test his ability at throwing knives.

His father, in this life, had trained him in knife throwing a long time ago. Unfortunately, he was born with incredibly poor spiritual roots, and was unable to truly cultivate. However, when it came to throwing knives, and using his brain, he was as adept as any cultivator.


Jacob jumped out of the desk as the pen curved in the air. It looked like a fish sailing at the right angle, but the wind was off. He didn't calculate that wind would be a factor when he threw the knife, and soon it would reach its destination.

It was at this time that Chamberlain began aiming with his pistol. After this, he then felt something go into his head before Jacklin smiled at his bad aim.

Rather than hitting his Chamberlain in the heart, it ended up piercing him in the center of his head.

"Well…. I guess you deserved it… Aye Xavier? You get one of the best positions in the country, and you still try to kill me."

He walked over towards the Chamberlain as the woman fell with blood dripping down on her face. It looked like she was glad to be alive, but extremely scared of the man walking towards her. This was the prince of the Low Lands, and she was his distant employee! This was absolutely worse than death, and she immediately began wondering how to end her life.

Jacklin looked down at her, though, and smiled before he patted her head. At the time he arrived, she imagined him slapping her, but reality was much different. She didn't get hit at all, and instead got a pat of sympathy. It was almost as if she understood she had no choice.

The Chamberlain had gone to her house a few nights ago and asked her to user her position to watch over the prince. At the time, she took the extra pay, and gladly did this. However, the Chamberlain was clearly doing this for nefarious reasons she discovered yesterday after peering down on the prince. He was by the tree with a cleric… However, he was hardly moving as if he was about to die.

Then… earlier today, when she looked again she noticed that the Prince was gone. She immediately sent notification the Chamberlain, and then this happened! When she received the letter, she also got a message saying lock the doors, he's extremely dangerous.

After all, this was not her fault, and for some reason the prince seemed to understand all of this.

"I know you probably were forced into this my darling… but you really must go get me a patrol men now, or I will be forced to dock your pay."

Jacklin smiled at the lady before she got up off the floor.

"Yes! Of course! I will be right back Prince!"

She charged off to get one of the patrol men as Jacklin looked down at his Chamberlain. He sighed before he reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope.

"Hmmm, maybe this will have some answers in it?"