A Whole New World.

The old man stood kneeling. The whole tribe walked past him.

When the carriage passed him by. The sibling's greeted.

But the old man didn't even looked at them.

Making them remember Zhi Rui's words for a second.

They went on their way pondering.

The people went away, but he stood there looking at nowhere in a daze.

Zhi Rui was mounted on the bull looking at all the people in front of her. The entrance was right behind.

The people looked a the lizard tribe's size, it was a least four times wider and bigger than their old place. With three meters fences made with wood and rocks as protection.

They were admiring their soon to be home when Zhi Rui got up on her feet on top of the bull.

She pointed behind.

"This place is now; the lawless tribe. Our lives will be reborn here today. And we'll commit ourselves to evolve it from here on!"

The people cheered with anticipation.

Zhi Rui laughed out laud sat back down with crossed legs and turned to pass through the gates.