Treasures Don't Fall Form the Sky.

She took everything the siblings said with a grain of salt. They are naive, they were raised by liers, anything they were taught is up for questioning.

But Zhi Ru wanted to be sure, the body cultivation method he bought from the light sect was of high quality. And if Zhi Rui mastered it then not only average people of the higher realm, he could easily beat the experts of those realms. But Zhi Rui knew a little about the barbarian's history as well as past heroes. If she could have at least half of what the sibling said then it's worth it.

"Where is it kept at? Zhi Rui asked.

The siblings looked a Zhi Rui with wide eyes.

"I say you qualify for the method because your body can probably withstand it. But only barbarian native can try to cultivate it." Rubble aid

Crystal a if fearing something stepped forward