Asserting Dominance.

Zhi Rui looked around as the people were still absorbing her words.

"Why did you killed him!? even if you were in fact, the highest authority here, you cannot kill at will!"

A well equipped mounted warrior asked from the middle of a simple platoon.

She looked at him, he was a level, two cultivators.

'Not value in defeating him...' She thought

"I killed him because he was in involved in the plan to execute me. He would take the absence of the alphas to raise his influence while keeping you in order. Why do you think he stood up to talk first?" Zhi Rui said steady and calm.

Her bright blonde hair move with the wind and her cold eyes stared deeply at the warrior's soul.

He did not open his mouth again.

No one openly objected anymore, but it was obvious she wasn't accepted either.

Zhi Rui sighed.

She turned around and stared at the three warriors at the third level who were waiting for her to come out from inside the library.