What Happens When Bunnies Tries to Bit a Lion

Zhi Rui went down the stairways and looked at the outside. A shadow crept behind her,

"One week," Zhi Rui said, and the shadow disappeared through the crowds.

It was afternoon, The heat in the desert punished everyone under the sun. But somehow it didn't bother Zhi Rui.

"Old man is this a trait of yours?"

(Yes, the mixing with foreign blood has shadowed those once common traits)

"So you people were natural heat resistant."

(The barbarian body has a natural resistance to all common forces of nature.)

Nodding to herself Zhi Rui walked out her manor, she turned to the side.

Seeing the big white manor adorned with gold and lavish sculptures, She put a hand on the door's handle when from the corner of her eyes, she caught a woman fidgeting.

She stopped and turned around.

Blue-amethyst trembling straightened her spine and said. "M-My Alpha I came to congratulate you." She stammered at first but managed to say her rehearsed sentence in one breath.