
(Don't take any pills, herbs or any outside healing method, you'll use you pure ethereal energy connect with your consciousness, and follow the mneumonics.)

Zhi Rui shivered cross-legged in the middle of the tub. she hadn't defended herself in any way from the blows. Her whole body was covered in bruises and swellings. black eyes lumped lips. All hurting in the cold water.

Her muscles spasmed and shivered involuntarily.

"I should at least do something, my body is entering in a shock state."

(No, that's the point where you must be to start. You read it yourself, now follow the book. Worry about the action I'll list the steps.)

Zhi Rui took a deep breath.

(Connect your consciousness with the ethereal energy inside you. Remember, fire attributed energy governs heat, It's not simply the thing that controls fire, like water attributed energy also governs over life.