Enemies, like ants, gather in groups.

The blood on the pond started to warm up, Silvery cut the neck of the six people around the pond, leaving Robert, the crying prince for last. She made sure to cut each person slowly and made the blade descend in slow motion on Robert, His eyes were despairing until the very end.

Both Zhi Rui watched with amusement. She barely felt something for those who belong to her, how could she care for an enemy? Regardless if he managed to injury her or not. His intention and her objective alone were enough to warrant this treatment.

The blood gushed from his neck and into the pond. This ritual was slightly different. Silvery closed her eyes and fell into a faze, following Zhi Rui's guidance from the mind. Now the blood pond was starting to boil. The remnants spirits from the bodies around started to show their faces, some with resentment started to scream, making the atmosphere tense and somber.

Hilda stepped back once more and squinted her eyes 'This is impossible to get used to.'