Black feathered Eagle

"I've been following a clueless insect fighting for its own survival. while resisting the urge t step on the disgusting thing. What about you? Grand elder Gu!?"She nearly yelled.

Gu just smiled at her, "You know, one of the qualities of lust is being detached and careless, If tomorrow you go to the one you have as an insect and take everything from her and tell she's not the heires of lust anymore, she'd just safeguard that grudge somewhere in her heart, forgot about it, and search something else to do, so she can reach greatness, instead of chewing for

He said gently.

"Don't try to get in my head old man, I"m not young anymore. Lust is what it is, there's no rules in pleasure."

The old man smiled. "If there isn't, then why there's a 'chosen one' ?"