
Previously when Jack and Tyrion synced their consciousness together, it was a melding of their personalities and memories. Now though, with death approaching both of them one old and one young, it has turned into a complete merger of two people from different dimensions. The circumstances of their merger are a complete and unique occurrence in the countless dimensions. The statistical odds of finding someone that is compatible with another is something numerous powerful being in the infinite dimensions has tried to accomplish. While some have found two people from different dimensions that should theoretically be able to merge together, to have to people on a conscious and subconscious level be willing to merge is a seemingly impossible accomplishment. Mainly because this merger is the creation of a new being from of two people's souls and bodies. They will effectively cease to exist as themselves. Instead, they will birth a new person that will have their memories and characteristics but will fundamentally be a different person. This merger of two people is not a simple one plus one, but an exponential increase which is why many powerful beings have tried to accomplish it across the millenniums of time.

With both Tyrion and Jack dying, compatibility, and their previous melding of the mind laying the framework has created a new being with a great desire to live and grow stronger. As the light in the cave fades the body of a naked man emerges standing in the center of the mysterious diagram. Clear skin, curly, glossy, and blonde shoulder-length hair covers his head, green sparkling eyes flutter open as the man looks over his 6-foot 2-inch muscular frame. Incredible power courses through his veins as he examines his hands clenching and turning them over.

As the man continues to marvel at his powerful body, he starts to perform the Ironhide Technique that is stored in his consciousness. Moving through each stance from memory, drawing energy into his body, he is flooded with even more power. This feels completely different compared to the memories of Tyrion or even when Tyrion and Jack were merged for that brief time.

Quickly, a haze of fog covers not just the man's body, but it fills the entire cavern as he continues to draw energy from the environment. As the energy is absorbed at a breakneck pace a thin layer of toxins is excreted from his skin through his pours. Soon, the man finishes absorbing all of the energy in the room and purging the hidden toxins from his newly created body.

Executing a powerful movement producing a deep booming sound that shakes the loose rocks in the cavern, all of the toxins that were purged from his body fly off splattering across the small room. Feeling tremendously better, the man walks toward one of the walls in the cavern and casually punches the wall. With a booming explosion, his fist sinks up to his elbow into the solid stone, creating a meter-sized crater in the wall.

Extracting his arm from the wall, the man dusts off his hand feeling satisfied. Then he walks toward one of the other rooms in the abode. Inside one of the caves is a dry rotted bed and shelves with what looks like the remnants of some foodstuffs. Quickly glancing over everything, the man then proceeds to the other chamber. Inside the last room are the shimmering bones of a skeleton. The skeleton is covered in a luxurious robe of unknown material.

Gently pulling the robe off the skeleton, a marvelous feeling of information filters into the man's consciousness. This information details the intricate knowledge of how to use the robe. From the knowledge that he has received, the man now knows that when his slightly scraped and bloodied fist contacted the robe, his blood formed a bond with the robe. This bond now allows him to change the look and size of the robe at will. As the man slips the robe on over his head in excitement, he feels the robe sink into his skin covering his whole body. With just a thought a black, skin-tight shirt, pants and shoes form outside of his body. The man then decides to call this the Shimmering Robe.

Excited the man looks back at the skeleton to see if there is anything else of worth laying around. As he looks at the sparkling bones, he spots a dull looking ring laying in-between some of the fingers and rib cage bones. Gently extracting the ring, the man can't figure out anything special with it. As he tries to put it on, he finds that the ring is too small to fit any of his fingers. As he reaches to stuff it into one of his pants pockets and idea strikes him.

Wiping the ring across his still bloody knuckles, another mysterious feeling of information invades his consciousness. This time he learns that this is a space right holding approximately 5 cubic meters of space. GOLD. Holy crap there are quite a few gold bars. This is already more wealth than Tyrion's memories know how to compute. When Tyrion still had a job, he was just making a few copper pieces a week. His parents' debt to the loan shark was only a few gold coins and that was only after loan shark tacked on a massive amount of interest.

The man internally knows that the Shimmering Robe and this space ring are vastly more precious, but gold was and is the currency that he knows. Putting the gold aside the man continues to search through the ring. Seeing numerous boxes with different amazing spirits herbs in them, the man is naturally excited. Unfortunately, he doesn't know anything about spirit herbs. When he gets into the Kasper Academy he will...Shit, the Kasper Academy!

With just a thought he resizes the ring and slips in on his hand. Quickly looking around the room, he determines that there is nothing left of importance. Hesitating slightly, the man makes his decision then sweeps the skeleton into the ring before running to the caved-in exit. With vigor, he throws, punches, and kicks his way through the exit without a care for the destruction he is causing.

After smashing his way back to the surface, the man quickly starts to sprint in the direction. As he is running through the outskirts of the desert a dune beside him explodes as a massive sand colored scorpion burst out aiming to impale him with its giant stinger.

"FUCK OFF!" The man yells as he knocks the scorpion's tail to the side and quickly delivers a skull crushing kick to the scorpion. Screeching the scorpion scurries backward as green blood seeps from its fractured caprice. The man gives it a menacing glare before turning around continuing his sprint towards the city.

After an hour of running non-stop this mixture of Jack and Tyrion sees the city of Taal enter his view. The city of Taal isn't a pretty city. The wind from the desert is constantly dusting the buildings and roads with a thin layer of sand. The towers from the numerous palaces stick out of the skyline like broken jagged teeth. Occasionally there are flying crafts zipping across the sky headed toward the inner city where the wealthy aristocrat families with powerful martial arts histories live giving it an unearthly feel.

Tyrion always dreamed of one day being one of those people, but this man feels those dreams are too shallow. Also, Jack's desires were the quaint dreams of a family man. While he was much more experienced and successful than Tyrion, he never strived to pursue real power.

As the man reminisces about his integrated past lives, he arrives at the gate of the city. By this point, the sun has risen in the sky and there is a large number of people swarming in and out of the city gates.

Slipping in between the crowds of people, the man discreetly watches his surroundings. Off to the side of the street, he can see a few young men sitting on some benches and leaning against the buildings. Making no attempt to hide their presence as they attempt to scan everyone coming into the city.

Ignoring their vain attempts, the man hurriedly makes his way through the crowd. Kasper Academy is located towards the inner city by the inner aristocratic district. Considering most of their students hail from the aristocratic families it makes perfect sense to locate the academy there.

As the gate to the academy comes into view, the man can see a desk out front with a few people manning it. There is also a small line standing to the side that is constantly increasing and decreasing as people are brought inside and arrive to try their luck.

Basically, everyone that is standing in the line comes from the lower end of the financial scale. All the aristocrats are either immediately accept beforehand, go to a more prestigious school closer to the capital, or directly to the Kasper Sect.

The line quickly moves, pushing the man to the front of the desk where a middle-aged man wearing a long white robe with an elaborate pattern, that looks exactly like the mysterious diagram from the cave floor, emblazoned in red sits lazily holding a tablet-like device. This middle-aged man is currently lounging in his chair with salt and pepper hair and a delicate face that gives him a noble and scholarly aura.

"Name?" The man curtly asks without looking up while lounging in his chair playing with the tablet in his hands.

Surprisingly, once merged form of Jack and Tyrion hears this question he realizes he doesn't have a name. Sure, he used to be known as both Jack and Tyrion, but now even though he has many strong desires related to those two people, he isn't the same person. Quickly coming to a decision, the man responds in a monotonous tone "Jakron Tyger."

Hearing the Jakron, the man finally flicks his eyes up to look at this young man. "How old are you?"


"You know that if you lie, it won't just be embarrassing for you. You will also be punished for wasting our time," the man says while squinting up at Jakron trying to gauge his response.

"I understand," Jakron responds without a change to his facial expressions.

"Very well. Proceed in. Your first test will be for bone age," losing interest the man turns his eyes back to the tablet as he ignores Jakron.

Proceeding into the entrance there is a booth that looks similar to a body scanner in an airport from Jack's past. There is a young man manning the booth waving everyone through. The repercussions for trying to lie about your age are widely known throughout the city of Taal, so while it does happen when someone thinks they have devised a way to fake the test, it never turns out well if someone is caught.

The test is extremely sophisticated and can generally pinpoint a person's age with a great degree of certainty. As Jakron walks through the scanner the young man's eye's glance over the display only he can see. Normally he is only concerned about people being too old, but now his display is indicating that this large young man in front of him is less than a year old. Confused he quickly asks Jakron to wait off to the side, while he notifies his supervisor of the exam.

As Jakron waits with the young man, he begins to feel a slight degree of anxiety. He needs to get into the academy. His current knowledge of this world is extremely shallow. If he has any plans to learn more about this world and grow stronger, he needs to expand his knowledge. Currently, the only technique he knows is the Ironhide Technique and while the skill is capable of advancing someone into the Initiated realm it quickly loses its value after that.

"What family are you from?" A stern voice rings out behind Jakron.

Working to control his surprise from the man silently appearing behind him without a noise, Jakron turns and smooths over his facial expressions as he nonchalantly responds, "I don't have any family."

"Really…then what technique do you practice?" The man is about the same height as Jakron. His short hair is the color of steel and his face is stern and weathered. Everything about the man breathes authority. He is a man that doesn't look to tolerate anything that goes against his will. Wearing a tight white shirt with the same red diagram emblazoned on it and loose grey colored pants he looks and feels like a stereotypical karate master from Jack's memories.

Slightly straightening his posture, Jakron responds, "The Ironhide Technique."

Grunting the man looks over Jakron before asking, "What realm are you at?"

"I've just reached the Initiated Realm"

Looking over at the young man that is manning the booth he nods before mystically disappearing from both of their views.

Breathing out a large breath that Jakron was inadvertently holding, Jakron looks over at the young man questioningly.

"Scary huh. Master Calrid, is one of the strongest masters at the school. He is currently at the half-step Lord Realm. Everyone believes that he will be the next Principal of the academy. My name is Oliver Sterringer. I'm in my second year. It's nice to meet you Jakron." Oliver says while extending his hand. Oliver is a short young man wearing the Academy's student attire which is much like Master Calrid's except the diagram isn't as complex and it is emblazoned in blue instead of red. With short black hair and jade-like skin, Oliver has a tender face that makes him look even younger than he probably is.

As Oliver talks to Jakron he is a little surprised at how friendly he is. Reaching out Jakron shakes Oliver's hand while responding, "It's nice to meet you too Oliver."

"I don't why your age says less than one, but I'm sure that you will gain entrance to the Academy based on Master Calrid's reaction. You can proceed forward. We can talk later." Smiling this young man points to a building a little further inside the academy.

Taking one last look at the young man that appears to be younger than Jakron, he wonders if his friendliness is the norm. From Jakron's memories, he highly doubts it.

After leaving Jakron proceeds to the next building. Inside Jakron discovers a large interior with numerous fighting arenas with what looks like a teacher and academy student based on their attire. Continuing to walk forward, Jakron is directed to queue up at one of the arenas and display his martial prowess.

Watching the sparring matches it quickly grows boring for Jakron. The examinees are almost all too weak to properly spar and are quickly kicked out of their respective arena. If an examinee is able to put up a little of resistance it generally means that they have a decent accomplishment and are a half-step into the Initiated realm. Occasionally an examinee will be in the Initiated realm and put up a better fight, but still, without any real fighting techniques or more advanced body refining techniques, they won't be able to compete with the current students.

"AAAAH," a scream rings out in the massive hall. While there are the occasional grunts and yells, this is different. Just from the pain in the voice, everyone in the hall knows that someone was hurt badly. Looking over, Jakron can see an examinee crying and laying on the ground with what looks like at least a broken arm and leg. The ground around him is slightly cracked from the force he was slammed into the ground. The examinee must be in the Initiated Realm, otherwise, he would be dead. Truly vicious.

"Student Mital! I've told you before to control yourself. You will spend the next month in the Solace Chamber to reflex on your action. You are relieved of your duties as a tester." The voice of Master Calrid rings out.

"Yes, Master Calrid," a melodious voice is heard answering Master Calrid.

"And If you can't control yourself, then you can find another academy."

"Yes, Master Calrid."

Jakron's hands are clenched tight and shaking with rage at the melodious voice that he heard. Scanning the crowd Jakron can finally see a handsome young man with blonde hair wearing the same student outfit as everyone else walking out of the building. Fury is filling Jakron's head as he remembers what happened to Caltain. This man must die and the sooner better.

Gathering his emotions Jakron is slowly able to control himself. As Jakron is trying to cool down, he is finally instructed to enter the arena.

A teacher quickly gives him the rules of the sparring match in a nonchalant manner, clearly without a real care. As Jakron enters the stage, the student tester addresses him, "Hey guy, your face looks a little white. Don't worry I'm not as ruthless as that other tester. I don't want to get stuck in the Solace Chamber for a month." Smiling the tester looks sincere in his words.

"Thank you," Jakron mutters as he still feels distracted by the appearance of the man that killed Caltain.

"Fight," the instructor says while only partially paying any attention.

"I'm coming," the student calls before dashing quickly towards Jakron.

After approaching Jakron the student leaps, performing a flying roundhouse kick. Jakron's body was formed with incredible power and after entering the Initiated realm, he has grown even more powerful. Watching the kick approach, he waits until the student enters his range. With superior speed, he steps forward and performs a counter roundhouse kick catching the student straight in the chest unprepared. As Jakron's leg follows through he brutally smashes the student into the arena floor.

Landing on the ground the student tester is unable to get up as he lays stunned and out of breath. Thankfully for him, Jakron holds back most of his power and the students own Initiate realm body is tough nullifying any real damage.

Not sure what to do Jakron looks over at the instructor who is gawking at the scene in front of him.

"Teacher, what should I do?" Jakron asks without moving from the arena.

"You…you pass. What is your name?"

"Jakron Tyger"

Recovering his emotions and surprise, the instructor points to the exit of the building. "You can proceed to the exit. There will be someone that will show you what to do now."

"Thank You," Jakron responds.

"Welcome to Kasper Academy Jakron," replies the instructor while returning to the still dumbfounded examinees.