
Arriving at the Technique Hall, Jakron and Derek can see Hale and Jacob anxiously waiting on them.

"Just go in already," Derek yells, "we aren't your mothers. You don't have to wait for us!"

Laughing Jakron says to Derek "They are so impatient."

"I know. Let's go ahead and hurry. They won't be able to do anything until we get there," answers Derek.

The Technique Hall is massive and built like a pagoda. Made of smooth white stone, it reflects light creating a marvelous shimmering effect as different colors of light ripples off of it. At six stories it isn't the largest building on campus, but it is the most amazing to look at.

"Amazing…" Jakron whispers as he finally catches up to Hale and Jacob.

"I know. I know, but let's hurry in I'm so excited," Hale says as he can barely contain himself.

Entering the Hall each new student's armlet flashes as information is displayed showing the basic rules of the Hall. All be students will have access to the first three levels. The first level contains numerous Initiated Realm techniques the second level contains attack, defensive, movement, and some other special techniques. The third level contains manuals on entering the. Connate Realm.

Each manual containing a technique requires contribution points. The one hundred points that are given to each student will be able to purchase a few of the basic manuals on the second floor. Of course, if all your points are used to buy manuals then you won't be able to use the special training time drastically slowing the speed of your cultivation.

The exception to this rule is the two manuals that can be received after gaining entrance to the academy. Each new student will gain a manual targeting the Initiated Realm and a manual targeting the Connate Realm. This exception is to help strengthen the foundation of the student's Initiated Realm and provide a future into the Connate Realm.

A lot of students won't even bother with manuals that focus on attack, defense, or movement techniques. Instead, they will get their two free manuals with techniques in the Initiated and Connate Realm. Then using their contribution points, reserve rooms that will increase the efficiency of their training.

This is what Jakron is going to do. He starts to browse through the technique manuals on the first floor looking for something that will increase the strength of his muscles and bones. The Ironhide Technique he mastered primarily focused on strengthening his organs. With this foundation and his natural strength, Jakron believes that focusing on refining his body is currently the most important task. With his powerful soul, he should be able to master any Initiated Realm manual faster than others.

Looking through the manuals, Jakron eliminates all of the basic ones instead, he focuses on manuals that require the mastery of an organs strengthening technique. These types of manuals are more advanced will usually be used by those who have already stepped into Initiated Realm. These muscle and bone strengthening techniques put too much force on the practitioner's organs and can cause injuries that will affect the speed of the user's cultivation.

Without much fanfare, Jakron finds one that he likes, Titan's Might. It is one of the harder techniques to practice because of the basic movements that don't effectively draw energy. What it does provide though is unbelievable power to those that can master it. Anyone that chooses a manual like this is already very confident in the energy manipulation abilities.

Jakron has no need for manuals that make it easier to detect energy at the sacrifice of power. Jakron was lucky in the fact that the Ironhide Technique followed the same sort of philosophy, just not to the extreme like Titan's Might.

After picking a manual, Jakron browses through the second level and looks at all of the different techniques stored there. While Jakron does have one hundred more points than the rest of the new students, he doesn't have a desire to spend them on auxiliary techniques right now. Instead, he just wants to focus on getting stronger.

After looking through the second level, Jakron heads to the third level. On the third level, Jakron can see the numerous manuals that will develop a warrior to the Connate Realm. Jakron's affinity lies in Space and Time, so the majority of these are of no use to him. In fact, there are only a few that have anything to do with space and time and none that will merge both. This is what he was afraid of. When Professor Lamont mentioned that the most powerful manual had been lost, Jakron was afraid that it was the only manual that could merge the two forces.

Slightly defeated, Jakron gives up finding a technique that will propel him into the Connate Realm. Instead, Jakron decides to focus on gathering more energy in his body and refining his strength.

After checking out with his new manual, Titan's Might, loaded into his armlet, Jakron proceeds to one of the space training rooms. He had talked to some of his roommates, but they are too interested in browsing all the available techniques.

Heading to the training room area, Jakron enjoys his walks through the campus. It really is beautiful, with many large auditoriums where classes are held. Training grounds that have body tempering instruments dedicated to improving the efficiency of refining the body into the Initiated Realm. While there are the distinctive training rooms, like where Jakron is headed to, most prefer to save the precious time in the training rooms for breakthroughs in the cultivation of their techniques.

When Jakron arrives at the training room area, he is surprised by the grandeur of the building. It is a large hexagon shaped building with each side corresponding to an individual element. The inside of the complex is a massive courtyard with a tower in the middle. From the information that Jakron received in his armlet, he knows that this smaller tower is where the space and time rooms are located. Waterways and small hillocks dot the courtyard creating a euphoric atmosphere.

Entering the tower, Jakron finds an open area in the middle of the tower that has a stairwell in the middle and space and time rooms on each side. There are ten stories to the tower with each floor increasing in the strength. Based on the information that he received, he should be able to handle the second floor and maybe the third, but past that would likely damage his body significantly.

There are two ways that Jakron knows to move up in levels in the tower. One is to develop a better understanding of the laws themselves. The second, to increase bodily strength. The training rooms can be helpful in both aspects of a martial artist's cultivation.

Jakron is currently interested in learning more about space. This partially stems from the memories that he inherited from Jack. Jakron believes that if he can master the laws of space, he will be capable of teleporting through it. Confident in his bodily powers, Jakron heads to the second level and checks out a room. The number of students that have an affinity for space is a small minority of the student body. This leaves most of the rooms in the tower empty.

The way that checking out a room works is that one contribution point can book a room for 24 hours. The 24 hours do not need to be used consecutively. Instead, students can come and go however they feel. All the time is tracked by the academy's system and gives notifications to the students for their remaining allotted time.

Entering room designated for space, Jakron sits down in the middle. Using his armlet, he activates the training room. The space in the room immediately freezes preventing Jakron from moving. Amazed, Jakron gathers the strength on his body and forces his arms to move. This movement sets off a chain reaction in the room creating a small spacial storm that tears at his body. The forces are enough to cause significant damage to his body, but his Shimmering Robe prevents any real damage.

Instead, with the Shimmering Robe's protection, Jakron is better able to feel the forces in the room. Standing up with great effort Jakron starts to practice the new technique he picked up, Titan's Might. Titan's Might is only an Initiated Realm technique, but the power that it can infuse into a warrior's body is significant.

As Jakron sinks into the cultivation of Titan's Might the space around him trembles and fluctuates, ripping at his body. The energy of space pulses through Jakron's body, furthering tempering his muscles and bones. After an unknown time, Jakron is finally forced to stop from exhaustion. Gently tapping on his armlet, the room's system stops operating.

Jakron marvels at the progress that he has already made. The increased strength he has experienced with his soul is vastly beneficial to his training. Exiting the training room, Jakron heads down and leaves the training tower. As Jakron exits the building, the girl that he saw before, Ella is walking towards the tower.

Seeing her walk towards him, Jakron is secretly embarrassed and afraid of talking to her.


Seeing this young man walking out of the Tower of Space & Time, Ella is surprised and excited. Not many students know what it is likely to study these forces. This instantly gives her a feeling of kinship with this new student.

"Hello," Ella greets this young man as he is walking up to her.

"Hello," he responds demurely, making Ella's smile grow.

"So is your affinity to space or time," Ella ask forcing the young man to stop.

"I have an affinity for both. What about you?"

"I have an affinity to space and also fire," Ella says while watching the young man intently.

"That is interesting," he responds while trying to control the blushing heating up his face. "My name is Jakron Tyga. It is nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too Jakron. My name is Ella Madison. Maybe we can talk later," as Ella finishes she proceeds to walk away towards the tower.


Breathing out a large breath of air Jakron watches as Ella leaves. Her tight fitting student robes enunciates her astonishing figure. Her black hair cascading down her back to her slim waist mesmerizes Jakron. Standing as still as a statue, Jakron watches her walk away. When Ella turns her head and looks back, Jakron's face turns beet red as he quickly scampers away, hearing Ella's bell-like laughter echoing behind him.

Jakron can barely believe himself. While his previous experience that he inherited from Tyrion is practically non-existent, Jack has a lifetime of experience dealing with women. This feels unnatural to Jakron, but he can't explain his emotions. Taking a moment to breathe, Jakron notices that the academy canteen will close for dinner soon.

Heading towards the canteen, Jakron sends a message to Hale to see where his roommates are. Quickly he gets a response back that says they are currently eating and will wait for him. After getting to the cafeteria, Jakron grabs some food and finds his roommates sitting in a corner.

"So are guys happy with your haul?" Jakron asks as he sits down.

"I know I am," responds Hale, "I found a complementary Initiated Realm technique that will supplement my current training. I also went ahead and picked up movement and attack manual that should increase my combat efficiency."

"I only picked up a complementary Initiated Realm technique. I'm going to wait till I have more experience before I pick any supplementary manuals," responds Jacob.

"I did the same as Jacob. I need to just focus on stepping into the Initiated Realm. I'll have plenty of time once I do that," answers Derek.

"What about you Jakron?" Hale asks.

"I did the same as Jacob and Derek."

"What! Why didn't you go ahead and get the technique for the Connate Realm?" Ask Hale while Jacob and Derek also questionably look at him.

"There isn't a technique available that can combine space and time, so I'm trying to figure out what I should focus on. I'm just not sure," laments Jakron.

"That sucks," Jacob responds.

"I know. Anyways, I did go to a space training chamber, it was amazing but dangerous. You guys should be careful when you try them out," Jakron informs them of his experience.

After finishing their meals, Jakron and his roommates head back to the dorms while joking and chatting about the day. Tomorrow will be their first full day of classes, they are all excited to see what it will be like.

After entering the dorm, Jakron heads to his room and lays down. Involuntary rubbing his hands together, Jakron is surprised to feel the storage ring. While it has only been a little over a day since he got the ring he completely forgot about its existence.

Directing his consciousness into the ring, Jakron examines the space inside. He again looks at the plethora of spirits plants and determines to spend sometime categorizing them. After sifting through all the plants and organizing them as best he can, Jakron examines the rest of the contents of the ring. Not seeing much else, Jakron spots two books sitting in the corner of the space.

Pulling them out, Jakron examines them. The first book is titled "Spacetime Delimitation," the other book is titled "Dimensional Manifesto." Excitement fills Jakron as he realizes who's cave that was. It must have belonged to the founding headmaster of the academy. That also means his Shimmering Robe belonged to the ancient headmaster. If any of this is found out, Jakron is sure that he will be targeted.

Ignoring those facts though Jakron now has a way of combining the Space and Time energies in his body. Intrigued by these books, Jakron is tempted to start reading "Space/Time Delimination" immediately, but his curiosity about the "Dimensional Manifesto" overwhelms him.

Opening the book, Jakron quickly sinks into the words. Dimensional energy is the most mysterious energies in the universe. According to the knowledge of the original headmaster, Lord Erudite, it is the connecting force for all existence. When an expert gets increasingly powerful, they are able to manipulate it with supreme force, but no one was able to train with it.

After learning that he was able to train in dimensional energies, Lord Erudite started he writing this book as he experimented with merging dimensional energies into his body. Unfortunately, Lord Erudite failed to accomplish his goal. His existing consolidated powers lost their stability resulting in his death.

Fortunately for Jakron that destabilization was a slow process and Lord Erudite lived up to his name by writing all that he experienced and theorized. This book doesn't just explain the intricacies of dimensional powers, but also how one would attempt to combine them with space and time. Lord Erudite explains that when testing with a Channeling Stone, dimensional energy appears as nonexistent. He explains dimensional power is joined to all related dimensional universe. This power works as a connecting force. When people look at the grouped energy it is similar to looking at closely linked pipes, hence it appears nonexistent.

Reading this Jakron realizes that part of the energy sent out of the Channeling Stone was invisible. Delight floods Jakron. If he had decided to practice the technique in the manual "Spacetime Delimitation," he would have missed out on merging all three of his distinct powers.

Continuing to read the book, Jakron eventually can't contain himself as he starts to manipulate the energies in his body according to the theories in the book. If three dimensions make up space, a fourth makes up time, then the fifth is how spacetime exist dimensional. With this in mind, Jakron begins to control the energies in his body using this as a model. Slowly Jakron is able to build the framework using space as the y-axis, time as the x-axis, and dimensions as the z-axis.

Trying to do this is exhausting mentally. Jakron is unable to perform these consolidation actions for long before he has to stop for the night. Exhausted physically and mentally Jakron finally slips into sleep.