
"Jakron," Lily calls, "can I eat with you guys?"

"Sure Lily," Jakron responds, "are you ok though?"

"I'm tougher than I look," Lily answer while doing a cute pose and flexing her right arm, "next time I won't lose."

"I believe it," Jakron isn't surprised at all. From a power perspective and bodily strength standpoint Lily is definitely stronger than him. Jakron attributes his victory over her to his larger experience and powerful soul that lets him respond and adapt quickly.

"Lily these are my roommates. Jacob, Derek, and Hale. Guys this is Lily. If you didn't see my fight with her, she is incredibly powerful," Jakron introduces everyone.

"Hi," Hale quickly moves forward to greet Lily as his ears start to burn red, "it's nice to meet you."

"Hello," Lily responds while a very slight flush enters her cheeks.

Ahhh young love, Jakron thinks, as he fondly watches the two start to whisper back and forth while everyone walks toward the cafeteria.

"Hey Jakron," Jakron hears a musical voice call over as he and his friends get close the cafeteria.

"Shit," Jakron thinks in his head, "please don't embarrass yourself."

"Hey Ella," Jakron turns to see Ella and her friends walk over including Sophia.

"So how did your first ranking matches go?" Ella asks.

"I was able to come out in first," Jakron answers with a hint of smugness.

"He beat me this time, but I won't let it happen again Sis," Lily pushes herself forward and tells Ella.


"Yeah, this is my little sister. She is the protege of my family," answers Ella with pride as she lovingly hugs Lily.

"Ella let's go," the cold voice of Sophia says.

"Alright. Take care of my sister Jakron. I'm depending on you," Ella says while smiling at Jakron.

"I don't need anyone to look after me," Lily complains while pouting at Ella.

"Ok no problem," Jakron's ears darken with a light tint of red as he answers Ella.

As Ella, Sophia, and their friends leave walking away, Jakron feels someone hit his arm, "Jakron when did you meet Ella?" Jacob asks in surprise, "and why are you hanging out with us when you could be with them?" Jacob directs at Lily.

"I meet Ella at the Spacetime Training Tower. She shares an affinity with space like me," Jakron answers.

"I don't hang out with them because my sister treats me like a child. With you guys, except Jakron, being weaker than me, there is no way that you all would have the guts to mess with me," Lily harrumphs.

Seeing Jacob, Hale, and Derek duck their heads at Lily's remark, Jakron taps the too of her head while frowning.

"Sorry I just don't like being treated like a child," responds Lily in embarrassment.

"Lily if you are a child then so am I," responds Hale giving Lily a positive smile.

Hearing a grumbling sound ring out, everyone looks toward Jacob. "Alright, I'm hungry let's go eat," Jacob says while rubbing his stomach and walking to the cafeteria.

"Hungry much," Derek quips causing the rest of the friends to smile at Jacob.

"I've done a lot today and need some well-earned nourishment," responds Jacob completely calm and nonchalant, "now let's go please."

Laughing everyone heads to the cafeteria.

After lunch, everyone heads off to take care of their own things. Jakron decides to visit the time training room. After his experience in the space chamber, Jakron wants to better understand the power of time.

Arriving at the time training chamber, Jakron proceeds like before using his points to book a second level chamber for a 24 hour period. Enter and activating the chamber Jakron doesn't feel anything different. Baffled Jakron tries to concentrate on the energy around him and can feel a difference, but it is too insignificant to have an effect.

Unsure of what to do, Jakron begins to practice the Titan's Might method. As soon as Jakron starts bringing in energy he feels the time around him warp. It feels like everything around him slows down, or is it speeding up? At first, Jakron is unsure. Quickly he checks his armlet and can see the time barely incrementing. What is weird is that the device seems to be working at a normal speed, but when it tries to synchronize the time with the outside system it isn't getting an update resulting in a slow change in the time.

This thrills Jakron. Does that mean he can use the time manipulation to increase his training time? Jakron stops practicing Titan's Might and to see what happens when he isn't actively manipulating time with his technique. As soon as Jakron stops, he can feel the warped time that surrounds him to invert. This inversion drastically warps time again. Suprised Jakron looks at his armlet to realize that in that small moment time speed up. Meaning the total time was equal. What a weird situation.

Jakron shrugs his shoulders undiscouraged. Resuming his practice of Titan's Might, Jakron can feel the energy of time enter his body increasing his strength. Jakron can feel a unique interaction between the space and now time energy interacting in his body. Previously the amount of energy in his body was so insignificant that it wasn't possible to feel anything in particular. Now though that he has already started the process of merging his energies from studying the Dimensional Manifesto, Jakron is better able to understand the energies and how they interact.

Feeling the powerful energy flowing around him and through his muscles and bones, Jakron has the feeling that once his power increases to a high enough realm he will be able to directly rip a hole in spacetime traveling through not just space, but also time. This feels like the typical time paradox that his memories from the numerous movies that Jack saw remind him of.

Just thinking about it give Jakron a headache. Ignoring this feeling and thought process, for now, Jakron continues to practice Titan's Might baptizing his body in the power of time. After the feeling of exhaustion engulfs his body, Jakron decides to stop for the day. Watching his armlet for the exact time, Jakron stops his practice and lets the time around him speed up then stabilize at the current world's time. After the time stabilizes, Jakron looks at this armlet and discovers from a quick calculation that he can currently create a small field that slows time down by twenty-five percent.

Jakron is unsure if this is a good start, but he doesn't have anyone to compare to. Dropping by the cafeteria, Jakron grabs a bit to eat before heading back to the dorm for the night.

That night Jakron further discovers the power of time in the mysterious space. Continuing to use that area as an additional training area Jakron is able to further his progress in combining his energies of space, time, and dimensional.

Additionally, Jakron was forced to experience the life of another individual. This both increased the power of his soul and further increased the chaotic elements in his soul. Frustrated and happy, Jakron proceeds in his training.

During the next week, Jakron finally picks some secondary techniques to practice. After finding the Dimensional Manifesto left behind by the originating headmaster of the school, Jakron has no need for the Connate Realm manuals in the library. So with nothing to spend his points on currently but training and techniques, Jakron decides to grab some of the most useful techniques that specialize in spacetime.

After spending days looking and deciding, Jakron finally picks three manuals to study. There aren't any manuals that actually combine spacetime so Jakron decides to focus on two movement techniques, one for space and time each, and a space-based attack. The time movement technique is called Time Shift. It operates much like the time warp that happens around Jakron as he practices the Titan's Might, but more focused. Providing an individual with the ability to move quickly in a small space. The space movement technique is called Space Warp. While at first, this technique doesn't provide much of a benefit as the user gets stronger it will start to allow someone to quickly warp from one place to another. Eventually crossing an infinite amount of space in one movement. The attack is called Infinity Edge. It allows a user to utilize the infinite sharpness of space to create a blade. Eventually, this blade will operate much like Space Warp with the ability to warp distances while slicing enemies with the unbound sharpness of space.

After picking the techniques, Jakron spent most of his free time studying them and consolidating his powers. As days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, Jakron's powers grew.

Two months had passed since Jakron's entrance to the academy. During this time Jakron spent most of his time in the training rooms practicing Titan's Might, understanding his affinities, practicing his supplementary techniques, and consolidating his powers.

Without trying Jakron's soul strength has grown significantly. This, in turn, has also increased his emotional ups and downs if left unchecked. These experiences in the mysterious space ultimately were emotional rollercoasters with the birth of life and the taking of it, of young and old love, revenge, hate, bitterness, kindness, charity, and hope. The full gamut of human emotions was displayed and felt by Jakron when he would experience another's life. Ultimately this constant injection of emotions made Jakron feel that his soul was being refined. Jakron started to view these chaotic energies that were entering his soul, not as foreign elements, but small hammers that constantly pound his soul releasing the unstable elements.

For the rest of his roommates, their training was increasing at a constant rate. After less than a month Derek has finally stepped into the Initiated Realm. After a little less than two months, Jacob also was baptized into the Initiated Realm. Hale is the only one that has struggled to move into the Initiated Realm. Of course Hale is also the youngest among them.

Waking up, Jakron and his roommates get breakfast as usual. Lily also now is a constant member of their group. Lily and Hale's relationship is constantly developing. Jakron's romance with Ella hasn't made much progress. He still has a hard time controlling his awkward responses around her and she seems to enjoy making him uncomfortable.

Derek and Jacob have been primarily focused on increasing their strength even though occasionally Sophia will show up with Ella and they will spend the rest of the day stargazing in their own love fantasies.

Today though is a special day. The complete freshman class will be competing in the first official ranking battles. Previously Jakron only had to compete with his class. Now it will be a much bigger event with the whole school watching. Also will be the ranking matches for the rest of the school. Jakron is most excited about seeing the competition that the rest of the school has to offer.

In particular, Jakron wants to see how Ella performs. Outside of his hectic training schedule, Jakron constantly thinks about Ella. She fills his thoughts. Every word, every small touch, every laugh haunt him. Jakron can recall this same feeling for how Jack felt about his wife Helen. While Jakron is excited to see how Ella does in the ranking matches he is most concerned with her safety. He knows that he shouldn't feel so protective of her, but he can't help it.

Breathing out a sigh of pent-up emotions, Jakron follows his friends into the massive complex on the school for the ranking matches. There are numerous fighting arenas in the complex and large stadium seating around the whole complex. The complex is already filled with a numerous amount of students. Many are just laughing and talking while walking around between arenas encouraging each other. The freshman will be going first. The whole event will take place over six days. Each day the freshmen will start the matches and then the rest of the student body will participate. While the freshmen could finish their part up much faster, they instead get more rest between their matches compared to senior students.

As Jakron is finding seats with his friends, he feels his armlet vibrate notifying him that his match begins in thirty minutes and to be in the waiting room before. With Jakron's friends wishing him luck, he leaves to go to the waiting room for his first fight.

After Jakron makes his way to the waiting room, he spots Deran also preparing for his match. After his embarrassing defeat last time, Deran has avoided Jakron where he can. Jakron was told by Master Bain that Deran had wanted to get Jakron in trouble for injuring him, but Master Bain told him that injuries happen while sparring. If the academy punishes everyone that gets injured during sparring what would be the point of cultivating.

From Jakron's perspective, Deran is young, arrogant, and talented. Jakron doesn't really like him, but he doesn't care that much to be vindictive. If anything he would prefer Deran to do well since they come from the same class.

As Deran walks past Jakron while holding his head down Jakron tries to bridge the gap.

"Good luck, Deran," Jakron says.

Hearing him, Deran feels embarrassed and angry. He feels that Jakron even talking to him is amplifying the situation. Snapping his head at Jakron and glaring Deran remarks, "I don't need luck Jakron and if we meet I will destroy you."

With that Deran, holds his head up and struts out of the waiting area to his arena. Jakron watches him go while shaking his head and smirking. Some people never learn. Oh well, Jakron thinks, maybe Deran will be motivated and will perform better now.

After a short while, Jakron's armlet rings again informing him to proceed to the fourth arena. Walking towards his assigned stage, Jakron can see an arena covered in a ring of fire. Raging like two pythons the fire is swarming around the ring chasing an opponent. Deran is standing there like a proud peacock enjoying the attention of his peers. Quickly, Deran's opponent is put in a dire position and after a slight mistake is blown from the ring covered in fire. Either way, good for Deran for winning his match.

Arriving at his arena, Jakron can see his opponent. It is a tall young man built like an athlete. While Jakron hasn't seen many people that would be classified as non-humans, this man is one of them. The city of Taal is primarily made up of humans and a few Kalrillans, but this man must have the bloodline of an Aalsaro. An Aalsaro is a humanoid creature with a light blue tint of skin and glistening silver-colored scales around their joints. With shoulder-length dark blue hair and distinct facial bones, even Jakron has to admit that this man is pretty.

"Haha! My name is Bale. I wish you luck," the young Aalsaro says with mirth and a large pearly white grin. His two canines slightly poke out of his mouth giving him a slightly evil look that only adds a hint of danger to his appearance.

"Thank You. My name is Jakron."

"Haha! It matters not your name, for I will win this competition with ease," Bale says.

Ok, this guy is an idiot Jakron thinks.

"Sure," Jakron responds.

"Fight!" Jakron and Bale hear as a judge starts the fight.

Lifting his hands, high-pressure streams of water that can cut rocks shot out. Currently, between Jakron's two different movement techniques, he is currently more proficient at Time Shift. As lite ripples of time spread out from Jakron he moved slowly toward Bale. As those streams of water closed in on Jakron, they slowed down to a fraction allowing Jakron to easily slip by them. For Jakron it felt like a leisurely walk, but to the audience and Bale, it looked like Jakron was moving incredibly fast with obscure movements. As Jakron got closer to Bale, Bale was dumbfounded. He couldn't understand what was going on. The people that have affinities to time are few and far in-between.

Desperate Bale focused the rest of his energy. While one of his techniques can shot out fast-moving streams of high-pressure water, the other technique that he knows is an area attack using water. Raising his hands above his head, Bale quickly gathers energy into a quickly rotating ball of water. Slamming his hands down with the water ball spinning madly into the ground, Bale creates a cone-shaped attack that looks like a quick moving wall of water. While this attack doesn't do much damage it will disrupt most attacks because of its range and speed.

For Jakron though it is moving rather slowly. While Jakron hasn't had much success with Space Warp, he has marginally succeeded at Infinity Edge. Concentrating on his right index finger, Jakron gathers the energies of space under his control. Concentrating the energy Jakron is barely able to form a very small half inch black line. It is insignificant to the human eye, but this is a direct connection to space. From what Jakron has read and understands it is much like a tiny black hole.

Holding this tiny space blade on his finger Jakron deliberately slices the incoming wall of water down the middle destabilizing the whole thing. As the wave collapses, Jakron finishes closing the distance to Bale. Dismissing the blade, Jakron uses brute strength to deliver a front kick into Bale's exposed chest knocking Bale flying. Without the ability to defend properly Bale is quickly sent out of the ring to the awe of those watching.

While the fight felt like it lasted a few minutes to Jakron for everyone else it was only a few seconds. Jakron's ability to control the time around him has improved exponentially.

Leaving the ring, Jakron sees Deran watching pale-faced from the side. Deran was ready to mock Jakron, but now he feels a terrifying oppression as Jakron walks his way.

"Nice win," Jakron says as he walks past Deran oblivious to the other's emotional struggle.