Mistaken Identity

'So this is how death feels like? It feels like I'm on a comfy bed that was made with the finest of cotton.' When Nick opened his eyes and looked around, he saw that he was in a room that was not his own, and this room was decorated with golden walls, a golden roof, and even multiple golden dragon statues, the room was clearly designed by someone extremely eccentric.

'So is this like a waiting room? maybe I wait here until the portal to hell or heaven opens. All in all, not bad customer service I would give them five stars if they send me to heaven. After all, I did die defended someone innocent. That has got to count for something around here.'

As a myriad of thoughts spiraled aimlessly around Nick's head, a glimmer of light began shining in the darkness through the window, although slowly, the light was getting brighter and brighter. Seeing this Nick started to feel fearful, was he really going to meet his end like this.

Nick knew very well that he had done more bad than good in his life, but his circumstances had demanded it. As an orphan forsaken by the governmental system, jut mere the fact that he was still able to become so successful despite all of this spoke volumes of Nick's perseverance and drive.

'No! I won't let this happen, I'll just stay in this luxurious waiting room forever, at least here, there aren't any naked red men with horns and pitchforks trying to torture me for eternity!' And just as Nick was about to ignore the light and start pretending to be asleep, the door to his room opened to reveal an old man with an incredible aura around him.

'The old man has an amiable smile on his face as he stares at me, is he by chance a perv...Nick you fucking bastard, this is God you're talking about here, have some decency, will you! So this must be God, right? So what should I do now, should I beg for forgiveness or should I start ass-kissing? Hmm, maybe I should do both, I am a master of multitasking after all.'

After sorting out what he wanted to say he started speaking.

"Your highness...Your lordship...Your majesty, I don't even know what to say, it's just that I'm overwhelmed by staring at your greatness, and whatever judgement you pass on I will accept it without flinching. But before your awesomeness decides on anything, may I say one last thing in my defense?"

Before the god even responded Nick continued with his speech.

"I really would have loved to have become one of your devoted followers. But as you already know I was born an orphan, and I grew up jumping from foster home to foster home, some times I didn't even have anything to eat. which not only caused a lot of physical scars but also a lot of mental ones, which is why I decided to worship money instead."

"Now, I am not trying to find excuses, nor am I trying to indicate that this is all your fault, even though you are the main reason. What I am trying to say is that if you had let me keep my parents then maybe I could have become your most loyal and devoted follower."

Right now the old man had a terrified expression.

His name was Mathew, an old servant in the Michelson family. He was assigned to the second young master as a trainer for cultivation and etiquette.

He was first happy and proud to be selected for this task, as it was well known that the second young master had the best talent out of the other two young masters. But never did he expect that this talented young master to be so lazy. The little bastard was so lazy that he didn't get out of bed unless it was to go to the toilet!

And so, over time, this led to him being the weakest of his two other brothers. But even though he was the weakest, he was still the prime choice for the family head's position since his talent far outclassed the other two, so everyone believed that he would only need to train a little, to reach far greater heights than his brothers ever could!

Today he came here to do what he always did, which was to try and convince this lazy bastard to do some training. Although he didn't have much hope in it working he still had the duty to try this every day, so he expected rejection and even some priceless treasure to be thrown at him in anger.

But what he didn't expect was his young master was not only already up, but he even had a lively hue on his face, unlike his usually bored and sulky self. Seeing his young master getting up from the bed to converse with him, he was overwhelmed with surprise and excitement, would today be the day his young master would soar to the heavens, would today be the day his young master would ask him to train?!

But contrary to what he had expected, what followed next left him terrified.

His young master actually started kowtowing to him! And as if that wasn't bad enough he started calling him things like 'Your highness, Your majesty and Your lordship' while spouting some nonsense about an orphanage and something about loyalty and devotion. One had to understand that a servent accepting their master's bow was a very severe crime!

Now, Fearing that his young master might have lost his mind, the poor servant was wracked with worry, as he tried to think about what he should do in this situation.

Nick was worried right now, from the expression on this god's face, it was pretty clear that he was terrified of him. Which made him think of a saying back on earth that stated, a lawyer's tongue is so scary that it can even scare the devil back to hell. But was it really true?

Mathew was racking his head to find out what was happening when suddenly it hit him, maybe his young master was on some kind of drug that induced hallucinations. Thinking this, and now hoping that this was really the case and that his young master hadn't actually gone insane, Mathew disappeared into disappeared and left to look for the family physician.

Nick became even more certain of his earlier assumption, because if this god wasn't really scared of him then why else would he run away like that. As for questioning if that old man really was God, he didn't doubt it for a second, who else could have such an incredible bearing. The man had even vanished into space right in front of him!

And after a few minutes, god returned, but this time, with another old man who also had a slight smile on his face. But there were some differences between them like this new guy had pride oozing out of him, he couldn't even hide his pride in that smile of his.

Nick started laughing inside thinking 'So you brought back up huh? One god wasn't enough to handle the great Nick, was it? hahahaha, damn I always knew that I was greatness itself. But how can I be so awesome!'