
In Nick's room, two old men were standing by the bedside, staring, at a shirtless boy. This boy gave off a charming aura as his dark black hair, coupled with his muscular defined thin physic, made one want to keep on looking at him.

Yet, at the moment, as the two old men stared at the unconscious Nick, their eyes weren't those of an admiring or an envying person, that most would usually carry in this situation. Instead, the two were frowning and looked deeply disturbed by something.

"Mr. George, is what you said true? Was the young master really poisoned?" Asked the servant while visibly trembling from anger and fear. Anger for letting him get poisoned, and fear for what will happen when the family head finds out later.

"Yes, although I don't approve of my lazy nephew like the rest of the clan does, he is still family. And nobody messes with the Michelson family! I will reach out to a few friends of mine who own medicine shops. Some of them have connections to the black market and can find out if someone had purchased this particular poison within the last few weeks. But for now, what I find astonishing is how Nick survived this calamity. This poison is called the mystic soul poison for a reason, and it is considered the second deadliest poison in this world."

"The Poison unlike other poisons doesn't infect the body, but the soul. The Poison latches to the soul like a parasite and will erode it through time, and once the person dies, and their soul disperses, so does the poison with it! And yet, Nick has managed to defeat the poison and remove most of it, leaving only a mere wisp of it remaining. What an amazing and interesting young man, no wonder that Oracle claimed his talent was far superior to his siblings."

But what Goerge would never know, was that the poison had already worked, and it had successfully killed the original Nick, and the only reason it hadn't completely dissipated with the soul yet, is just because the Golden orb kept a part of the Orignal Nick's soul for memory extraction, and a little of the poison remained with it.

"So what should we do now?" Mathew was Still frightened, he nearly lost the young master today. He was also thankful, because the young master had survived this ordeal, and in turn, so would he. But there was still a matter troubling him, Nick didn't look all there in the head when he was speaking earlier.

"What can we possibly do?! There is no antidote for this kind of poison and yet my nephew survived, a little mental instability is to be expected, don't you think?!" George sighed heavily, he found it quite unfortunate that his most talented nephew, would no longer be as talented anymore. Because a sound mind was the key to cultivation, and from what he had seen earlier, Nick was not, of sound mind.

After having his head stuffed with those foreign memories, Nick woke up with a splitting headache. And as his blurry eyes once again regained clarity, he once again found himself in what he had now learned, to be his bedroom and not the waiting room of the afterlife. The room was designed by his eccentric father, who hoped that seeing all the gold in the room would brighten Nick's mood up.

As he looked around the room, which was both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, he was suddenly startled to find the two old men, which he had previously deemed to be gods, were looking at his naked body with worry, and pitty in their eyes. Which kind of hurt Nick's feelings, they didn't have to make their expressions that obvious, right? He was still young, it will grow out eventually…

"Mathew, Uncle Goerge, I apologize if I worried you two. I don't know what came over me earlier, it was like I was hallucinating or something." Nick spoke with a blush on his face, he was ashamed, his words and actions earlier were just a little too…

But, the blush didn't stay in his face for long, cause Nick had long acquired a lawyer's unusually thick skin, so after a few short seconds, the blush was gone, and the devious smile of a scheming lawyer had taken its place.

The two men exchanged glances as shock, confusion, and happiness overwhelmed them. Nick was alright?! No, he was better than alright, the boy was speaking properly, and he even remembered their names! This meant that Nick was not a wasted talent after all. He had not lost his memories and gone insane, at least, not yet.

Besides, Nick never spoke much before, but looking at him now, even when he had only just said a few words, it gave them a weird feeling, it made them feel like the one talking was a born and bred chatterbox.

"By the way, Mathew, prepare the cultivation technique, I would like to take a look at it." Nick now understood how powerful cultivators can truly be, and to say he thirsted for that power would be an understatement.

"Do you want to train, young master?!" Asked the servant as he stuttered in agitation. This was good news, worthy of a hundred celebrations.

"Let me rest for a little while since I have a terrible headache right now. But I will start training first thing tomorrow. " Nick needed a shower, and some sleep to organize his thoughts.

"Of course, young master, just go ahead and rest, you may not know this, but you have just escaped death! This also explains your actions earlier, but the poison's effects seem to be wearing off, so, an hour of rest will do you good. So I will come back an hour later with the cultivation technique, will that be fine, young master?" Mathew wasn't patient or stupid enough to let the young master rest until tomorrow, who knows what might happen within that time. What if his young master changed his mind and returned to his old wasteful self?!

"Y-yes wha..." But Nick couldn't even get any words out and was interrupted.

"Great! Since young master agrees, I will come back in an hour after escorting Mr. George." And with that Mathew left the place in high strides, what a joke, he had been waiting a long time to hear his young master's request for training, and nothing would stop him from fulfilling that request, not even the young master himself.

The way he saw it, an hour was the bare minimum of rest his young master needed to recuperate. So he won't have enough time to rethink his decision to start training.

And what gave away his little scheme, was that he said he would be escorting Mr. George out, when he didn't even throw him a glance left, for fear that the moment he looked back, he would be met with the young master's refusal.

Seeing the way the servant was leaving without even bothering with him, George wasn't the least bit angry, because he knew, that Mathew had done it for Nick's sake.

Goerge had even decided to talk with the family head about giving this loyal servant a raise. He was certain the family head wouldn't refuse when his most talented son was finally off the bed and cultivating!

What was troubling Goerge now, was the lingering wisp of the poison he had detected earlier. And the hidden damaged it might have caused or will later cause to Nick's soul.

But Goerge was worried over nothing because the Golden orb had gotten rid of the Old Nick's soul after it had transferred the memories over to Nick. And the poison was now gone with it!

And after making sure Nick was healthy and had no other underlying problems Goerge left as well. He had to find out who was daring enough to poison someone from the Michelson family!

Nick then took this opportunity to head for the bathtub on the side of the room, he usually took a bath or a shower to organize his thoughts in his previous life, and he wasn't planning on changing this habit now.

Mathew returned around an hour later, humming a happy tune. He had almost gotten used to being mocked, and despised by many of the other head servants for his inability to get the young master to train.

But from today onward, he can finally hold his head high in front f anyone, because with a little effort, some sound guidance, and the monstrous talent Nick processed, reaching the top, would no longer just be a fool's dream, but an achievable goal.

Nick was still in the tub even after an hour, as he reminisced about his past life, and he assimilated his new memories.

"Young master, it's time to start your training. We will only cover the basics of cultivation, and nothing too difficult. We will be having a lot of fun today." Mathew spoke like he was coaxing a child, but who could blame him for being wary.

"Mathew I j..." Nick was about to say something to this funny servant of his but was once again interrupted by the worried fellow.

"Young master, we, of the Michelson household, have two things we never break, one is the duty bestowed upon us by our ancestors, and the other is our word, which we never renegade upon."

"And as the most talented young master, and the man destined to take over the family head position, these qualities are especially ex..."

"Would you please calm down, Mathew! I am just trying to tell you, that I would meet you on the training ground after I put some clothes on! You do know that I am naked in this tub, right? And I would like to dress up myself if that's alright with you." Nick hated being interrupted almost as badly as he hated dying! Yet Mathew had interrupted him time and time again.

Mathew finally calmed down once he realized how ridiculous he's been acting. Was he trying to drag a naked man for training?

"Okay then, I will await your arrival by the training ground, young master." Mathew did a suave looking bow and left the room with his usual calm returned.

Nick laughed a little at this new servant of his, he resembled those butlers from his previous life at times, and then looked like a worried mother on the next.

Shaking his head to get rid of the distracting thoughts Nick took out some clothes from his wardrobe and began changing in front of the large mirror by his bedside.

He also took this chance to inspect his new body, and he had to say, it was the model of perfection! Now he was good looking both on the inside and the outside, unlike his previous life…

And after a few short minutes of trying to figure out how to wear the ancient-looking robes, Nick then opened the doors to his room and walked out!

Outside Nick's room, grass patches stretched out in every direction, each leading to a different facility owned by the Michelson family. And even though Nick had never really trained, he still knew which one led to the training ground.

And as Nick walked along the paved path, he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size and beauty of his new home. It didn't matter if one was comparing the designs or ethereal beauty of the buildings, but the ones here far outclassed the ones from his previous world. And pretty soon his little stroll had landed him at the training ground. The training ground was big, and kind of resembled the coliseums built by the ancient Romans.

This place looked like it had tided through many wars with all the burn, and scratch marks that it was riddled with. And even some man-sized holes could be seen all around the place.

But one had to know, that this place fully repairs itself every single night, which meant, all these holes and marks were left behind by cultivators that had trained today!

Yet, this place, that should have had hundreds of young cultivators training in it, was now empty and devoid of any other life.

"Young Master, you're finally here. I hope you don't mind, but I have taken the liberty of emptying the training ground for your first day of training." Mathew started speaking as he appeared beside Nick out of nowhere.

"'s okay." Nick was a little scared right now, Mathew's temperament had changed, and he no longer carried the submissive attitude of a servant, but the sternness of a teacher instead.

"Good, now before we start let me tell you about the two taboos of cultivation, first, never cultivate without a proper manual, our surrounding is filled with all types of energy, so if you just wantonly absorb them, the elements will clash while inside your body, and you will most likely end up damaging your energy center, or even worse, dying!"

"The second taboo of cultivation is that you should never, ever, attempt a breakthrough before you're ready. Cultivation requires patience and the concentration, and if you try to break through before you're ready, it might end up crippling you for life." Mathew said each word solemnly, with caution.

"Oh well, as long as you don't do these things you won't die. Now that we have gotten those out of the way, let's begin your training."

Nick suddenly got the feeling, that cultivation might not be as glamorous or relaxed, as he had previously thought it would be.