Not following the script

Raffle city was one of the most prosperous cities in the wasteland, its streets bustling and its people harmonious, it was a beautiful place to be in.

Hawker lined up the streets as they yelled to advertise their products, kids running around after each other as their childish laughter resonated everywhere, bringing a sense of happiness to anyone who passed by.

Even Nick had never felt such a natural sense of ease in his life. This district in the city was for civilians, and not many Cultivators stayed here. So, there were no schemes in the air, only closeness, and familiarity.

"So, are you ready?!" Mike asked.

"Does it matter?" Nick asked back.

Mike and Lily had told Nick their plan because a set of extra hands could come in handy. But even though Nick had hinted numerous times that he didn't want to go, the two siblings just ignored him and brought him here anyway.

Nick found this very vexing, he hadn't started cultivating for long yet, so he didn't want to get into trouble, at least not until he had some strength to serve as capital. But what could he do when he was being strong-armed into it?

The brother-sister duo were going to rob the richest family in the city, the Roland family, by impersonating one of their Elders. This Elder's name was John Roland, brother to the head of the family.

This Elder was the perfect target for impersonation. The Elder had a short build and a horrifying scar on his face, which made look terrifying. But what people didn't know was that this elder was incredibly self-conscious about his looks.

Tired of everyone staring and pointing at his scar this Elder started wearing a mask to hide his appearance. And it was exactly for this reason that Mike and Lily choose to impersonate this Elder.

Mike was really talented at mimicking people's voices ever since he was a child. And he had used this ability of his to pull pranks on the maids and guards in their old mansion by pretending to be his father, the Lord of the city, while remaining out of sight. Which was why Mike and Lily were confident that this plan would work.

Mike had followed John throughout the whole day for three days straight in order to be better prepared for this job. He had even followed the Elder to a brothel, but Mike didn't really enjoy it, how could he when he was so pure and dedicated…?

And even after John had left that place, Mike sat on the roof and observed the ladies dancing around, just to make sure John hadn't left anything behind…. Yes, that was definitely the reason...

And now it was showtime. John had packed up and left the city for some reason yesterday. And since the only person that could ruin the plan was out of the city, today would be the ideal time to finish their task. So, the trio walked into an alley, with the brother and sister looking around in a shifty manner the whole time, Nick was worried that these amateurs would get caught before they even get through the door by the way they were acting.

Lily draped a dark cloak on Mike, and gently covered his face with the mask. And as Nick watched the two going through all this trouble to rob a family weaker than them in terms of strength, he couldn't help but ask.

"Excuse me for asking, but both of you are already quite strong, especially you Lily...why don't you just go in and take what you want?" Nick just couldn't understand the two idiots for the life of him.

As soon as Mike heard this question he blew a fuse, as he held Nick against the wall by his robe collar.

"You bastard! Do you think we are low life scum that would use force to take other people's possessions! Do you even know the difference between a thief and a robber?!" Mike was furious, how dare Nick propose something so…unethical.

Nick was surprised by Mike's sudden outburst, and almost instinctively answered the last question like, 'Of course, I do! Penalties for robbery can include jail time of up to fifteen years and probation, and fines may also be imposed that can reach up to $20,000, while theft....'

But he kept all that to himself since it was useless knowledge in this world.

"Let him go, Mike! could he understand our noble cause?" While Lily was speaking, her eyes drifted to the clouds as if she was an expert that understood the difficulties of life.

"Kindness?" Nick was now absolutely dumbfounded. So, criminals were shameless no matter what world they were in, huh?

"What would you know?! Let me ask you this, what is the root of all evil? Mick asked Nick in contempt.

"Money." Nick replied instinctively.

"Exactly! This is why we can't let these people surround themselves with too much evil! We must, therefore, liberate them from this curse. And if we have to enjoy ourselves...cough, I mean sacrifice ourselves on the way to do it, then so be it!" Mike explained.

Nick looked like he had gained enlightenment as he stood there in a daze. So this means...that both of you are utterly shameless! Fuck, where did you get all this fucked up reasoning from?

"In that case why do we need to suffer either, why don't we just destroy it?" Nick asked. While thinking 'You are both too young to bicker with me little brats!'

Mike and Lily were stunned and looked at each other in confusion...this wasn't part of the script, aren't you supposed to act enlightened then get on board with this heist? Why are you making our lives more difficult?

"Sigh...actually, the truth of the matter is, we have promised our dearly departed father before he passed that we won't harm people that didn't try to harm us first. Which is why we are stealing from these people in silence, and not using force to do it." Lily could only admit defeat. The asshole had found the most fundamental loophole in their reasoning.

"Alright, alright, let's get this over with." Nick only wanted it to be over so that he can go back to his cute little scorpions and level up some more.

After making sure that Mike's disguise was in order, Nick and a Lily put on their disguised as well, before followed Mike out of the alley like they were his servants.

The House of Ronald was situated in the middle of the city, it was eight stories high with statues of warriors surrounding it. There were two guards stationed at the entrance with spears in their hands.

And Nick was marveling at how the person that built it was an architectural genius when he and the others slowly pulled up to the gates. Mike then started speaking to Nick and Lily authoritatively,

"I want warm water for my bath, also tell the cooks to make my favorite food."

"As for you, you will be in charge of judging which guard I should choose for my personal detail. Let me remind you, they don't need to have strong cultivation but they should be dependable!" Mike bossed the two around once he was within ear's reach of the guards.

Mike spoke the last part loudly to make sure the guard heard him clearly, and they did. Both guards immediately straightened up their backs to stand out more.

"We will do our best!" Both Nick and Lily said in unison.

Nick then turned around to one of the guards and put on a surprised expression. He then quickly walked over to the guards and started looking at him as if he had spotted a hidden gem.

"What's your name?!" Nick asked with agitation in his voice.

"My name is Brian sir!" The young guard was on cloud nine with happiness. Maybe he could get chosen to be Elder John's personal guard. And from the looks Nick was giving him, he must have something that placed him above his colleague beside him!

"Brian, have you ever wondered why your cultivation speed couldn't compare to those geniuses out there?" Nick asked.

"Well...sir...sometimes." Brian never expected this kind of question. He had always wondered why some people were born able to swallow spirit energies by the gallons while he could only take mouthfuls.

"Brian, although this usually has something to do with the grade of cultivation techniques that people have and their constitutions, but some people are born with a special physique that can only show its potential once they come of age."

"Listen, do you know why I stand with Elder John even though I am so weak? I have no talent in cultivations, Brian, but I have a mystic skill that can see through people and their constitutions! And you, my friend, possess the Ultimate unrivaled revered muscle head physique, that only appears once in a million years!" Nick talked so much that he was out of breath.

This was their plan. They would entice one of the guards by the gate until he wouldn't find anything odd when he guided them around the place. Because one of mankind's greatest weakness was the need to feel superior. Otherwise, people would find it weird if either they or the revered Elder asked for directions to the vault.

"How old are you now?!" Nick asked with increased agitation.

"I am thirty-one years old sir!" Brian was over the moon with joy. And he would have questioned what they said, but for one, he didn't think the people the people close to the great Elder John would lie or make a mistake, and two he just didn't want to.

"Thirty-one?! You are so close, this physique usually awakens when one turns thirty-two years old, and after it does, you will become a dragon amongst men! about I make you the personal guard of elder John, he will guide you in his free time speeding up your cultivation!" Nick was now in the tempting phase.

Brian was proud of himself. Who knew he was so outstanding? Just picturing himself flying around, destroying those arrogant young masters, and looking down on the world made him just want to go home and start cultivating. Brian's expression then turned calmer and more reserved as he fixed his attire and posture, then he spoke to Nick with a neutral tone, unlike the previous reverence he carried for him.

"Sir, and Elder John, if what your saying is true, then I don't see the need for your support. I am truly grateful for your guidance in letting me find out my true abilities, but that is as far as it will go." Brian spoke as if he was already an expert.

"I formally resign from my position as guard of the household. And don't forget, even though I'm grateful, if you stand in my way in the future, there will be no House of Ronald in Raffle city!" Brian warned Nick and the rest. Which shocked Nick incredibly, where did the bastard get the confidence from? Nick had only said he had potential, not that he had directly become Superman!

Hey, buddy, could you follow the plan!

Nick was surprised, what gave this guard the capital to claim he could destroy this house when he was personally so weak. If the real Elder John was here, he would have probably slapped the arrogant Servant to death! Then what good would his fake physic do him then?

Maybe this was the attitude that all Main characters held, 'what, you're stronger than me by five realms?!! Just wait until I get strong enough and fuck you up! Until then, just cross your arms and send your minions to serve as my stepping stones!'

Seeing Brian walk away with his hands behind his back like an expert, Nick couldn't help but sigh as he thought. 'I seriously wish I could see things from your point of view buddy, but... I can't get my head that far up my ass!'