Buying a House

The place descended into an awkward silence once again, and the Salesgirl felt like she was losing her charm. Even those great clan leaders would drool every time they saw her, and after a round or two in the private room, they would sell their things for half the price, and buy things for twice their original price!

"Are you guys buying or not?!" Nick grew impatient. Couldn't she get a hint already?

"Sir, forgive me for making you wait, may I see what you will be selling?" The Salesgirl could only admit defeat for the moment. But she swore that if what Nick was selling turned out to be something with incredibly low value, she would get the guards to beat him up and throw him out, humph, how dare this young brat not fall for her?!

Nick didn't even give her another glance. As a response, he just directly opened the duffle bags for her to inspect and started looking around to see if there was anything that would catch his eye, but sadly, he found nothing interesting in the shop.

The sales clerk coldly inspected the bags, but what she saw terrified her. There were Origin level herbs, Origin level weapons, and lots of them too!

"Please wait a moment, sir. And please take a seat as a sale of this magnitude demands our manager's presence!" The Salesgirl said politely.

Nick didn't say answer her this time as well, and he only gestured for her to move it along.

The Salesgirl didn't care about his response anymore either, she was a professional after all, and if her actions cause a customer of this magnitude to run away, she won't be able to handle the consequences. So, the Salesgirl walked to one side of the hallway and vanished in the next second.

Nick calmly sat down, closed his eyes, and waited patiently. And nearly five minutes later, a young man followed the Salesgirl into the room.

"Hi sir, my name is Ron Lemmy, Manager and Co-owner of this small shop!" As soon as the young man entered the room, he introduced himself while also releasing his aura as an Origin realm rank 2 expert.

Which forced Nick to open his eyes and examine Ron calmly, but this small action startled both Ron and the Salesgirl. Most people would either be shocked or fearful of Ron as soon as they sensed his cultivation level. But the look in Nick's eyes was not that of fear or shock, but that of scorn!

"Oh hi, can you please buy these things and get it over with, I have places to be, and girls to meet, you know." Nick said calmly.

The Salesgirl just wanted to strangle Nick, can't you hold a proper conversation?! My master released his cultivation level demanding respect, and yet you're sitting there with no intention of getting up to greet him?! Also, what girls are you going to meet when you can't even recognize a beauty like me?! Or do you think I am inferior to the girls out there?!

But Ron didn't think like his employee, he could tell by the other party's indifference towards his cultivation that he must be nothing much to the other party. And most of all, Nick's indifference toward the Salesgirl was what impressed him the most, from the nonchalance Nick had towards the Salesgirl Ron was sure that Nick wasn't the least bit interested in her!

But Ron was wrong this time, Nick wasn't ignoring the beautiful girl because he didn't care for her, no, it was because he loved money more than he loved women, clear and simple. And from the moment the Salesgirl had tried to use her looks to con him out of his money, he had marked her as an enemy and was no longer interested in what she had to offer.

"Okay, sir, one moment please," Ron said as he started appraising and pricing the things in the duffle bags. And as he did, he was amazed to find Nick wasn't even looking at him to check if he was calculating it right?! It was as if Nick didn't really care about the price of the materials, which meant the things inside these bags weren't really worth much to Nick!

But Ron was wrong again, Nick wasn't checking to see if the price was right because he had already compared prices on the way, and already knew how much his things would be worth.

"Sir, it comes down to four thousand five hundred origin stones, but since we hope for sir to come to our shop next time as well, we will add another hundred Origin stone!" Ron said generously.

Nick restrained himself from dancing from the excitement, and he finally understood why Mike and Lily were so adamant about him only taking weapons and herbs. Just one Origin stone was equal to one hundred profound stones, and that was if anyone was stupid enough to trade them for lower-level energy stones, which no one would do.

And with the bonus of One hundred Origin stones, Nick felt like the world had gotten much nicer all of a sudden.

Nick didn't have anywhere he could store all those origin stones so he accepted most of it in a banknote. This was apparently as good as having four thousand six hundred origin stones in his pocket!

Now back in the carriage, Nick got the driver to take him around the city in search of a house for sale because he knew he couldn't carry the kids around with him wherever he went. And he would have rented a room in an inn, but he had seen the amount of lewd stuff that went on in there, and it wouldn't exactly be a conducive environment for kids.

And after hours of searching, and multiple Smiling Salesmen, they finally decided to purchase a gorgeous two-story house on the outskirts of the city.

Maggy and Dean kept on asking Nick again and again if this was really going to be their new home, and after the truth finally sank in, the twins ran in and started dividing up the property among themselves! Apparently, the garden, the three bedrooms, the toilets, and the kitchen all belonged to Maggi, and the floor, the walls, and the roof belonged to Dean. And since they both refused to share anything with each other, neither of them could go inside the house without intruding on the other's property. So, they both stood outside the door looking at the house enviously…

After settling some paperwork to finalize the purchase, Nick looked at the kids and sighed in exasperation as he walked inside, ignoring the two idiots. Nick then gave Peter a room to make it more convenient for him when he needs transportation later.

Peter, Nick's carriage driver, had a wife back at home, but he was weirdly against the idea of going back home. In fact, Nick had thought Peter would ask to leave after they reached the city, and he didn't have much hope when he asked him to stay, but little did he expect that Peter would jump for the opportunity agreeing before Nick could even finish his proposal.

Nick was mentally exhausted from the trip so directly went to bed afterward, without even eating dinner. As for the meals for the kids, Nick had already hired a cheap cook to work there part-time just for them.

Early the next morning, Nick was woken up by two shadows looming over his bed, alerted, Nick sat up and got into a boxing stance prepared to defend himself. But when he saw it was Maggi and Dean by his bedside, Nick placed his hands down disappointedly. And here he thought he was finally going to see some action.

"What is wrong with you two?! Never enter my room without knocking again, understand?!" Nick was slightly angry, seeing how the kids had walked into his room without him noticing. This was a clear sign that his battle senses need sharpening.

"But we cooked for you, big brother." Dean grinned widely as he said that.

Only then did Nick notice that both of the kids were covered with flour and spices from head to toe. Which promptly reminded Nick of that children recipe he had seen in the Cooking skill earlier and triggered his gag reflexes once more. But he held it in this time and turned his head to Maggi, who was carrying a covered plate in her hands.

Seeing the anticipation in the kids' faces, Nick slowly extended his hand and uncovered the lid covering the plate, and what he saw made him pinch himself to see if he was still asleep dreaming. Isn't this the cockroach he saw running around his bedroom yesterday, how did that happy and energetic cockroach end up in his dish?

Nick of course wouldn't eat something like this if anyone else served it to him, but since it was Maggi he decided he would do her the favor of trying it in exchange for the spirit stone he took yesterday.

And after heavy internal debate, Nick decided to ignore his impulses telling him to throw the plate, as he slowly used his fork to pick up what should be scrambled eggs with a side order of cockroach. But of course, Nick didn't touch the cockroach and only picked up the eggs surrounding it. And under the watchful eyes of the kids, he placed it in his mouth and pretended to chew, but he was actually just waiting for the kids to leave so he could spit it back out.

After seeing Nick eat what they had made, the kids left satisfied, in happy steps. And Nick took this opportunity to spit everything in his mouth back out, and then some. But Nick heard the twins talking inside the living room, apparently, they didn't know Nick's cultivation allowed him to still hear them.

"Sis, you're so smart! From now one we could do things like we did today, whenever we cook something for ourselves and it tastes or looks horrible, we'll give it big bro Nick and whip up another batch for ourselves!" Dean was amazed that their plan had worked.

"Of course, but to tell you the truth, it even surprised me a little. We forgot to remove that cockroach that we killed on the plate, but Nick ignored it and ate, anyway?!!" Maggi found Nick incredible as well.

Nick only smiled at their words and thought, 'Well played kids, nice one! But believe me, when I say, I will get my revenge for this! Muhahahahaha!' The two kids didn't know that Nick was more childish and narrow-minded than both of them combined, and they had just entered his hit list!