
The Dark Nightmare beast could be considered a handsome beast, its wings dark with a metallic luster, its head decorated with shiny silver hair that went all the way through its back like the manes on a horse, it had four scally limbs all with sharp claws.

If one had to point out one bad thing about this beast it would be the large belly sticking out like a sour thumb, but it wasn't its fault, it had no match in the forest and all it did all day was eat, sleep, and repeat.

On its way to the source of the heavenly smell it asked every beast it came across a philosophic question that had troubled it lately, "Do you think that when I stand like this, it makes me look fat? I detest liars, so remember, honesty is the best policy!!!"

And almost every beast it came across told the truth, they told it, that it does make it look fat, and every time it heard their answers the Dark Nightmare would stop, pondering the deeper meaning behind their answer and why it suddenly became so fat, of course as it did that, it grabbed those honest beasts and rewarded them with the chance to warm up in its stomach...

As for those that lied to it and told it it wasn't fat, the beast naturally let those detestable liars go, because it couldn't eat things it detests, right?

Finally, it reached a clearing in the forest, this part of the forest was usually controlled by its closest friend the Fire buffalo...

Nick could naturally feel the beast approaching, of course, this wasn't difficult considering his powerful bloodline, his strong techniques, and the fact that the beast was so large that every step it took squashed fully grown trees, and only those ancient trees stood persistently and survived this pompous calamity.

The first thing the Dark Nightmare did when it arrived was to look for its close friend, to ask it where the amazing scent was coming from and why it didn't invite him to share it.

But soon the Dark Nightmare saw the skin of its friend sprawled on the ground with its upper half missing while a huge piece of juicy meat was being grilled over the fire. Now, as a smart and intelligent beast, the Dark Nightmare could, of course, put two and two together and understand the situation.

"Hey puny human, you dare come into my forest, kill my closest friend, and cook him as well?!! Insolent!!Arrogant!! Uhh, Insolent!!"

Nike's whole plan fell down the drain instantly, first of all, why did the first beast he encountered and killed have to be the Dark Nightmare's closest friend, and secondly, did the beast actually run out of angry words, because he said 'Insolent!!' twice, or was he saying Nick was so insolent that once wasn't enough to describe him.

Nick was silent for a moment as he wracked his brain to come up with a new plan quickly, he had already marked his house in the city with the Long-distance teleportation talisman so he wasn't really in danger, but he didn't want to fail this quest and lose one of his precious skills.

As for the beast speaking, it was a known fact that some beasts gain this ability when they reach the transcendence realm so it wasn't anything surprising.

Finally, he slowly turned his head and his face twisted into a fawning smile, he released his cultivation level as well and made sure that the beast could see it.

"Ohhhh, you must be the great handsome friend that the fire buffalo was talking about, sir, blinded by the loss of your friend you made a small mistake, how could I, with my low cultivation kill that powerful buffalo?"

The Dark Nightmare paused for a moment to contemplated the man's words, it did make sense, how could someone in the origin realm defeat someone in the Gathering realm.

"So, speak, what happened here? But you should know I detest liars!!"

Nick wasn't anxious as he was before, because he had used the cooking skill to check out the beast.

[Dark Nightmare

This beast is a hybrid between the Dark Hawk and the Nightmare bull, and because it was born from two incompatible species, it's highly, mentally unstable. This beast had lots of potentials and by now could have become an immortal beast if it weren't for the heartbreak it suffered years back when he was rejected by a certain female beast for his lack of sexual drive!.....]

"Well you see, your friend brought me here from the chef god school to cook a special tonic to help with your sex drive, but sadly one of the ingredients for this tonic just happened to be the buffalo's sex pistol, because as you know the Fire buffalo are blessed with lots of stamina."

"So in order to help you, his closest friend with the illness, he sacrificed and killed himself asking me to use him as an ingredient."

The Dark Nightmare stood there dumbfounded, it had never expected that its friend would sacrifice his life just to help him get a woman, wasn't this the kind of brother every man...beast wished for?!

The beast swore that after it took the tonic and gained the buffalo's incredible stamina it would make the female beast scream the buffalo's name in bed all night to honor him.

As for doubting Nick's story, it was really difficult to do, seeing how heavily damaged that one particular area on the buffalo was, their cultivation difference, and the fact that this human knew about its embarrassing deficiency.

One had to admit that Nick was really skilled in making nonsense make sense, the beast didn't say anymore and directly sat in front of Nick and the fire. Nick couldn't see the moon anymore as the beast blocked half the sky in front of him.

It took the Dark Nightmare almost a whole minute, to get over the loss of his friend, after which he looked up and started inspecting the weird human, it wasn't the human's looks or personality it found weird but the weird collar around the human's neck.

"Hi there I'm Nick, what may I call you, handsome sir?"

"Shut up boy! I know I'm fat so flattery won't get you anywhere!"

"I think sir has it wrong, I didn't say sir wasn't fat, but who said fat can't be handsome?!"

"Oh, are you, serious, boy?!" Said the beast as it grabbed its rather large belly with expectation written all over its face.

"Of course, sir, I, as a renowned chef know, that when you get thinner so does your head and you know what happened when someone's head becomes thinner right?"

"No, what?" The beast was curious.

"They become narrow-minded of course!! Unlike you, who is benevolent and honest."

"That does make sense!!" The beast was shocked, it had never thought about it that way.

"Of course it does, and also have you thought about how your fat protects your internal organs, right now if someone attacked you on your stomach your fat will shield all your internal organs for you, it's like wearing an extra armor around, how cool is that?!"

"Very cool!!" The beast was now convinced that becoming fat was the best decision it had ever made.

"Now say it with me, sir! I'm fat and I'm proud!!"

"I'm fat and I'm proud!!"


"I'm fat and I'm proud!!"


"I'm fat and I'm proud!!"


And so, one beast and one man chanted louder and louder making sure no beast in the forest had a good night's sleep!