Back to the city

After naming Silver, he sent it directly to the pet space.

The unlimited pet space was unreasonably large, and was currently as large as a big city!

Furthermore, according to the Old geezer, its size was dependent on the number of pets it has, meaning the more pets Nick stores in the space, the larger it becomes, making it, as its name suggests, an unlimited pet space!

The pet space currently looked no different from the barren forest, as it seemed to be tailored specifically for the Dark Nightmare!

Ordering Silver to continue its exercise in the pet space, he began experimenting with his newly acquired ability.

Nick didn't know how he would feel about changing his body size, but he couldn't wait to try!


In an instant, Nick grew over twice his size, yet he didn't stop there and was getting bigger and bigger by the minute, but this feeling was different from the time he was becoming fat, this time his entire body grew proportionally and not just the meat on his bones.

Ten meters!

He only stopped becoming larger when he reached ten meters!

But even though he grew larger this just gave him the convenience of size, it didn't make him stronger the larger he became, but it was enough, now he could do what he always wanted to do in his previous life, play basketball...


Returning to his previous height only took a few seconds, however, he didn't stop as he kept getting smaller and smaller and finally stopped once he reached the size of half a meter, it seemed that becoming larger was easier than becoming smaller since he hadn't grown as small as he had expected.

But he swore he wouldn't be like most people who used their height to look underneath girls' skirts. No, he would only do it to check the quality of the fabric, to see if it would keep them warm through this cold winter...

Having played enough with his new ability, Nick began his return trip to the city.


At this time in another continent, two men ran into each other. One was blonde with bulging muscles, while the other was a skinny man with dark brown hair.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there." Said the muscular guy.

"It's okay, it was my fault anyway because I was lost in thought." Said the thin man.

And this is how two people who were different in every way, became friends. The End…


Nick arrived outside the city gates late in the afternoon, he couldn't wait to go home and sleep, he didn't know whether it was because the body was used to it or he himself enjoyed it, but he really loved sleeping.

But as he started at the city gates, he fell into a predicament, he carried a lot of Origin stones with him but he didn't have any spirit stones.

So how was he going to pay the entrance fee to the city, if he paid with the Origin stone how much change was he going to carry around later, yes that was definitely the reason, it definitely wasn't because he was stingy and didn't want to pay twice to enter the same city...

Troubled, he started looking around, hoping to find a solution.

Looking around, Nick spotted a large caravan heading towards the gate, the caravan obviously belonged to a merchant, since it was encircled by mercenaries.

Nick didn't hesitate as he found an opening in the mercenaries' formation, initiating the Crimson steps technique he appeared right beside the caravan and jumped inside.

However, as soon as Nick entered the caravan, he frowned and held his nose. The inside of the caravan smelled horrid, but pretty soon he understood why, because he found what this carriage held weren't gold or weapons but swine beasts instead.

These beasts looked like boars, but their meat was known to be highly nutritious and could aid people's cultivation. These beasts were probably brought to be sold to a high-end inn.

Nick closed his eyes and crossed his arms as he tried to ignore his current environment, but then, one swine beast seemed interested in Nick as it slowly trotted over and nudged Nick slightly with its head.

Puzzled, Nick opened his eyes and found the beast nudging his hands as if asking him to open them.

Curious, Nick slowly opened his hands wanting to see what this dumb swine beast was up to, the beast seemed happy that Nick opened his hands as it went over, grabbed some food, and placed it on Nick's hands while looking at him expectantly.

He seemed to be saying, "Eat brother, eat this, it is very delicious!"

Nick looked at his hands that were now filled with rotten meat and replied humbly, "I am sorry, I just ate, but thanks for the offer."

The swine seemed to be slightly disappointed but after a few seconds, it snorted to show its acceptance and started eating the meat it had put on Nick's hands.

Nick was bored and had little to do right now, so he decided to check the swine's description.

[Swine beast: This beast is ignorant and usually walks itself to the chopping block. This beast is despised by other animals in the forest because of its compulsive behavior of having to shit at the exact spot it eats. This beast is highly nutritious and has an overall effect of....]

Nick didn't finish reading the description because he had a terrifying realization, he noticed the description basically said that the swine beast shits on the hand that feeds it...

Nick turned his head over to the swine beast and found that its buttocks were rested firmly in Nick's hands, while its head was turned around starting at Nick intently!

Nick could only show a pleading look at the beast, begging it to show mercy.

But the beast gave him a look that said, "I'm sorry it's in my nature, I have OCD, please understand."

Then boom goes the dynamite as the beast unloaded with a vengeance, angry and feeling betrayed Nick smacked it away, completely forgetting his own strength, the swine beast was slapped so hard that it broke through the covers and flew away.

In front of the caravan, leading it was a luxurious carriage, and inside this carriage was a middle-aged man cutting his toenails, this man was depressed thinking about how he would be returning home to his wife today, she was just too ugly, and sometimes he thought how it would have been better to marry a pig!


Then, as if answering his prayers, a large swine beast with its buttocks sticking out flew in and by some miracle crashed lips first into the man.

The first thought that came to the man when he saw the face of the beast, was to wonder what his wife was doing there, and only after seeing the body of the beast did he realize that it wasn't his wife, but an actual swine beast!

Startled by the commotion, the mercenaries, as well as the guards at the gate ran over to the caravan that fired the swine beast.

Rushing over, they immediately opened the curtains to the caravan and took a look inside, while cautiously pointing their spears to battle any sudden enemy that might jump at them.

Nick was anxiously cleaning his hands when he suddenly sensed multiple footsteps heading toward his direction, shrinking wasn't an option and neither was turning into a giant now.

And sadly, the disguise skill would take almost a minute to disguise him into one of the swine beasts, so Nick could only helplessly wait to be found as he racked his brain to find an excuse.

"Who goes there?!! Who are you?!" The guards, as well as the mercenaries, surrounded Nick and yelled.

Nick then had to use his years of experience in thinking on his feet to come up with an answer.

He repeating the answer in his head for rehearsal, to make sure it was in order.

He then looked around him, staring all the guards and mercenaries in their expectant eyes, and said.


"..." The guards stared at Nick wide-eyed.