Spinning is an art?

Nick walked over to the door on the left and found that this one too had golden words written above it, which read, ' A test of intelligence that only those geniuses can pass.'

Once again Nick felt a sense of pride well up in him. What an honest trial, he was indeed intelligent, Nick didn't dawdle as he did on the previous trial because who knows when that figure that kicked him into the previous trial would attack again.

Thankfully, it was just like the trial advertised. The trial space was a small room with nothing but a single book resting on a pedestal.

The book's title was, 'Blue life flame controlling technique' which was pretty much self-explanatory.

Nick inspected the pedestal, trying to make sure that there weren't any traps laid out, because, in every movie Nick had seen in his previous life, something sitting alone on a pedestal had booby traps and one should not move it without caution.

That's when a brilliant idea came to Nick, he didn't need to even remove the book from the pedestal, couldn't he just read it while it's there? And so, Nick opened the book to its first page, but as soon as he touched the book Nick got a notification from the system.

Ding! Found new skill 'Blue life flame controlling technique ' does host want to cultivate it?

Nick then naturally checked the description of the technique since there weren't any on the book itself.

[Blue life flame controlling technique: This is a technique that's specifically created for tempering a human body to make it capable of storing and manipulating the blue life flame! The version in the host's hands is missing the second and third levels.

On the first level, the cultivator will get tempered by the flames and be able to store it in their body, but if the cultivator were to absorb the flames at this stage, the flame will take control of their body and destroy their soul.

While on the second level, the cultivator will gain the basic capacity to manipulate the flame, making the cultivator capable of burning or attacking an opponent.

But on the third level, the flame will become one with the Cultivator, giving them access to the flame's most powerful ability, the ability to nullify and heal!!] (Ten domineering points to acquire the second and third level.

Nick stood there rooted to the ground. Damn, if he hadn't checked the descriptions from the system, then he would have likely gotten fooled by that sly flame. It had obviously taken away the most important levels of the manual and even erased the description so that Nick wouldn't be able to notice.

But Nick didn't show any change of expressions as he immediately cultivated the technique, yet he didn't stop there since he quickly bought then cultivated the second and third levels of the technique, which all in all cost him a hundred domineering points!!

What made the system awesome was that Nick didn't even need to get baptized in the flames to reach his current level, he only needed to spend a couple more domineering points!

Nick then began to pretend to read the technique wholeheartedly, but he didn't do it quietly. No, he decided to read the text out loud and in the most annoying way imaginable.

"Aha, so that's what this means, oh and this one too, I am such a genius! But the flame sure is stupid to let me cultivate a technique that will later enslave it. Hmm, maybe that's why it made such a stupid first trial. Was this what people meant when they said that 'stupid is, as stupid does?"

"But seriously, what would you expect, it is just a flame after all? At the end of the day, its only use is lighting up the dark."

Nick made sure that he could compliment himself while cursing out the flame at the same time, he knew that the sly flame was listening, but it would definitely not attack him before the third trial, it would wait until he had cultivated the technique before it would wipe out his soul and take control of his body!

In the third room, which was situated in the middle, a large ball of flames was spewing out curses while spinning round and round nonstop.

"Fucking brat, just you wait, you think you're so smart, wait until you get in here!! Besides, that trial was a work of art, but how can a stupid brat like you understand the beauty of spinning!!!"

"Sigh, when will these humans ever learn any manners, I have provided him with a technique and my power but he still curses me? So ungrateful!! Sure, I edited the technique a little, and I am going to use his body as my own soon, but he doesn't know that, sigh such a bad person, he deserves what's coming to him."

Back in the second trial, Nick spent a few more minutes inside the room cursing out the flame before he left and headed back to the engraved table.

Finally, the third instruction got unveiled.

'If you have left the second trial, it means that you are fairly confident that you have memorized the Blue life flame controlling technique, but as you know it isn't enough to have the knowledge as you still need to get baptized by the flames before you can be considered to have officially cultivated the technique.

The third door is where the Blue life flame resides, and you will be immersed in it until you have fully cultivated the technique, please make sure you have memorized the entire manual in the second trial before entering. Also, only handsome men can make it this far, so, you must be very handsome.'

The last line made Nick shudder, the flame didn't fall in love with him, right? But the more Nick thought about it the more he felt it was the truth, sigh, why was he so universally handsome, even a flame couldn't help commenting on his good looks.

Of course, if the flame had known what Nick was thinking, it would have risked everything to fight Nick to the death. When had it fallen in love with this stupid human?! It had written those comments hundreds of years ago; they weren't particularly about Nick and were only there to motivate the participants of the trial.

Nick had finished analyzing the instructions and made sure there wasn't anything he missed, and only then did he let the system take the table.

Ding! Extraction of Star confining space stone complete, all other materials have been separated and stored in the host's storage space!

Stunned, Nick hurriedly checked his storage space and found two piles of materials that weren't there before, but he didn't have time to inspect and find their functions so he quickly left the storage space and headed to the third and final door.

Nick didn't hesitate in opening the door as he walked in and soon stood face to flame with the Blue life flame.

"Are you ready?!!" The flame asked, unwilling to wait any longer. It had to burn this ungrateful human.

"Yes," Nick replied, nonchalantly.

And as soon as Nick responded Blue-colored flames engulfed Nick swiftly, the flames were carrying unimaginable heat, prompting Nick to begin acting.

"Ouch!! Uhh!! Tsss!! Mommy helps me!! I miss my girlfriend!! Two plus two is four!!" In the end, Nick even stopped making sense and started spewing utter nonsense. But to the ears of the Blue life flame, it had driven Nick crazy with pain.

The flame felt delighted. It had driven the man mad by subjecting him to extreme pain.

"Hmm, it doesn't hurt anymore, I have officially cultivated the technique!" Nick then said something that floored the flame. When was it so easy to cultivate a technique, but what it felt next was happiness, not only did it gain a vessel that it could use to leave this wretched place, but the vessel was also a genius!

Excited, the flames promptly ordered Nick to open his mouth, and Nick reluctantly did as he was ordered. This position was awkward and Nick felt it was a little emasculating, but soon every last drop of the flame was inside Nick's body!

The flame then began their siege as soon as it entered Nick's body! It roamed around and soon arrived in front of Nick's soul.

Then the mighty flame began its attack! At this time Nick was walking back to the gate, he didn't even pay the slightest attention to the flame, so what if it attacked his souls, he has already reached the third level in the technique meaning he wouldn't be harmed by the flame in the slightest.

As for telling the flame that its scheme had failed, he naturally wouldn't do it when the flame would find out for itself, eventually. Just let it tire itself out, Nick thought as he happily headed to the exit.