Justice hand!

"I said let go of the little girl!!" Jack ordered for the second time.

Nick could see that their cultivation levels were not a threat, in fact, Nick alone could handle this band of crazy women, he didn't even need Silver's help, so Nick decided to at least find out why these ladies were so adamant in taking Maggi away. But before Nick could even open his mouth, Maggi had already responded to Jacky.

"Hmph, my name isn't little girl, it's Maggi!! And if you want to take me away from Big brother Nick you would at least need two carriages full of chocolate!!" Maggy snapped, but then as if she remembered something important she added.

"Umm...maybe just one carriage full will do...fine, fine, I can see from all of you're lost faces that you don't have that kind of wealth on you, so how about this, you give me half a carriage of chocolates and will pay me the rest on a weekly basis, okay?" Maggi spoke as if she was losing out on this deal.

Nick was surprised at Maggi, he didn't know she was smart enough to come up with such an ingenious idea, she obviously knew that chocolate was Nick's invention and that these ladies couldn't possibly have any, but she still made such a request, she was defiantly rejecting them indirectly. Or so he hoped...

But her bargaining skill sure was something, she went from two carriages full to one carriage full by only talking to herself...

Nick began to await Jack's response in anticipation, what will you say to that crazy lady, woman, female, human, fuck it I don't know anymore! But they had all underestimated Jack.

"Oh, Maggi? Such a feminine name, oh you poor thing, to be subjected to such a bias allocation of name, don't worry, from now on, you will be called by your new name, Big arm Pete!!" Jack declared.

Nick almost fell down from just hearing the name, why would she give a cute little girl such a disgusting name, in fact, if one read it quickly the name would sound like 'Big Armpit!

"Big arm Pete, hey there I'm big arm Pete, throw down the chocolate and nobody has to get hurt! Hmm... the name isn't bad." Maggi repeated the name a couple of times before she began to consider changing her name.

Jack and the other crazy women were overjoyed when they saw how seriously Maggi was considering the name, maybe they would soon have a new addition to their crew.

Nick couldn't let Maggi continue this train of thought any longer, so he immediately bought a chocolate bar from the system intending to throw it over to Maggi and disrupt her dangerous train of thoughts.


At this time on Earth, in a large shopping mall.

"Waaaaaaa mom!! If you don't buy me some chocolate I will hate you forever!! Dad would have bought it for me, he would have bought it for me!!!" A short-haired, snotty-nosed little boy between the ages of eight and nine wailed in the mall, embarrassing his poor mother.

"Shhhh please baby, don't cry, if you keep on eating chocolate like this it will ruin your beautiful teeth, and I have bought you five already, please don't cry!!" The poor mother was desperate, her son has been sick twice already from overeating sweets, and his father just kept on indulging him, what should she do?

The poor mother could only yield now, if she didn't, the kid wouldn't stop just by crying, he would sit on the ground and refuse to leave, then how was she going to take him back home?

The little boy stopped crying and began giggling in a sly manner as soon as received his chocolate bar, he always could manipulate his silly mother.

"Hey, Nate, do you think that hand will appear again?" An employee of the shopping mall asked her colleague.

"Sure it will! Annie, You know full well how that hand fights against injustice, how could it let such an annoying brat torment his mother like that?!!" Nate spoke with utmost confidence.

"But he is still a child, don't you think..." Annie asked, somewhat conflicted.

"No, justice does not distinguish age, and neither does the hand!!" Nate said firmly.

"Hey, excuse me, can I ask, what is this hand you guys are talking about?!!" A curious customer asked.

"Oh, you must be new in town, the hand has been famous for about two weeks now. In this shopping mall, anytime someone does something wrong or weird, a hand stretches out from thin air and teaches them a lesson, and in return, this hand takes away something from those it thought a lesson to!"

"Are you serious?!!" The customer found this very hard to believe.

"Of course, this one time a man was carrying around a board game he just bought, when the hand appeared and gave him a nice tight slap to the face, then the hand said, 'Who buys board games in this day and age, use your phone like everybody else jackass!' before disappearing with a board game!'

"Oh, oh, and this other time, a man came into the mall wearing a top hat, the hand appeared again and slapped this man as well, then it said, 'Why are you covering up your bald head with such a stupid looking hat? It's not like it can be worse than how stupid you look wearing this hat!!' Then vanished like before!"

"Also about a couple of weeks ago this man came and bought this mini Samdung fridge, the man was on his way carrying it out when the hand appeared saying, ' To actually buy a Samdung fridge when the Samdung phones are exploding right now, are you a terrorist?!!' Then after handing out the slap the hand disappeared with the fridge!"

"Ahh, and just a few minutes ago, a couple were walking in each other's arms on the left side of the mall, on their way to the cinema with popcorn and soda when..." Nate was entranced in storytelling when he got interrupted.

"I get it, I get it, the hand appeared and slapped them!" The customer interrupted exasperated.

"Umm, actually no, the hand just took away the popcorn and soda before a leg extended out of thin air and kicked them away, but this time the thing didn't give an explanation! But from what we can tell from the previous victims, we assume the couple might both be in a relationship, and that they came here to cheat with one another!"Nate corrected.

"Look!! It's here!! The thing is here!!" Annie screamed in excitement.

The little boy was in the middle of trying to open the chocolate wrap when a hand mysteriously appeared from behind him, the hand first took the chocolate away and threw the chocolate into the portal behind it before it made a gesture to the mother to move away!

The mother was startled by the abrupt appearance of the hand hanging in mid-air, but she still went forth to protect her son by instinct but was then stopped by a group of shopping mall employees who explained to the mother how much of a teacher the hand was and that she shouldn't be interfering with the lesson he was about to give.

The mother then, although reluctant moved away, the hand approached the boy and pointed its finger, as if it was about to begin preaching when the little boy screamed, "Give me back my chocolate!!" before violently bitting the hand.

"What?!!" A voice appeared out of nowhere, apparently, the hand hadn't expected this, but then it began to tremble, from what one can only assume to be rage!

The hand then grabbed the little boy by his collar then vanished with the child! Silence swallowed the shopping mall, and just as the boy's mother was about to break it with her screams the hand reappeared with the boy and place the boy on his two feet, but from what everybody could see the boy didn't seem to be hurt anywhere.

"Now, what is the only sweet you need?!" The hand questioned.

"The love of my mother!" The boy replied.

"What is chocolate?!" The hand asked a second one.

"It's the evil that turned me against my sweet mother, and so I have purged it from my heart!" The boy replied.

"Good! Now go back to your mother!" The hand commanded.

The little boy then began to wobble over to his mother, apparently, his butt wasn't in great shape...

"Justice hand!!"

"Justice hand!!"

"Justice hand!!"

The crowd began to cheer, and in turn the hand wave to all of them before leaving!


Little Maggi who seemed to be thinking seriously about changing her name then acted like a drug addict because as soon as she grabbed the chocolate, she unwrapped it and stuffed it in her mouth at rapid speed, cause as far as she was concerned everybody was after her chocolate, they just didn't know it yet!