Be bold

"Hey!! You can't do this, let us go!!"

"That's right, just because you guys have weapons doesn't mean you should act like bullies!!"

"Brother, please let me go, I'm starving here!"

The people by the gate were starting to riot! They have been held here for three days now! Sure the soldiers brought them rations, but they weren't nearly enough both in terms of quantity and quality.

But the most miserable ones in this situation were the naked people. They had all been excited at the thought of entering the city, so as a form of celebration most of them threw their clothes away! Yet now because of that, they were suffering through the bitter cold!

Listening to all their whining a certain soldier that was in the middle of the large surrounding army was unable to take it any longer! He had just arrived at the scene and didn't really know why they were blocking off the area, but he did know that the one that gave the orders was the General himself.

This soldier was at the back of the army, so he couldn't even see the ones that were whining, but he wanted to let those people know who was the boss here, while at the same time gaining the admiration of his comrades, it was a win-win situation.

"Shut up! This was an order from the General himself! And anyone that ignores it shall be stripped naked and flogged by me personally!!" The soldier roared out.

The soldier then saw all his fellow soldiers staring at him wide-eyed! Then as if they were showing him the due respect, the ones in front made way to let him through, as if saying, bro, you're so cool, please handle these people for us.

Chest welling up with pride the soldier steadily walked forth, every step showing his determination as a soldier! Then finally the soldier stood face to face with the complainers, and before he could retreat his fellow soldiers moved back into position, closing his only way back!

"What did you say?! Strip us naked and flog us? Fine then, we're already halfway there, go ahead with the flogging! Maybe that way my butt will get some heat!!" A nasty wrinkled-up old man walked up eagerly.

It was at that moment that the soldiers knew he fucked up! He had chosen to say the least scary thing possible to these perverts!

"Move away old man! The boy is mine! Come to here boy, let us warm up each other!" This time it was a nasty wrinkled-up old woman that said this.

The nasty wrinkled-up old man was stunned, was his wife going to cheat on him?

But, at this time, the surrounding area that had always been stinky to high heaven, was suddenly engulfed by a pungent yet mesmerizing smell. The smell was so incredible that all soldiers, commoners, and cultivators stopped their bickering and began a thorough search for the source of this heavenly aroma.

A few seconds later countless eyes all shifted to the front of one particular carriage. In front of this carriage, were a group of people sitting around a campfire grilling a large piece of juicy meat! What made this group unique other than their calm demeanor was the weird thing covering all their faces.

This group of people happened to be Nick, Peter, Maggi, and Dean. During their stay here for the past three days, they have stayed in the carriage eating, drinking, and playing, not the least bit affected by the nasty smell due to Nick purchasing a weak ventilator.

But the kids who have missed Nick's cooking begged and pleaded for him to cook. This was why Nick purchased the highest grade masks from the system which could filter out most toxic substances farts included before he dared to go out and cook for them.


A few minutes ago, back on earth.

"Hey honey, great news, I've got the masks! Yes, the most incredible kind. I had my friend in the CDC hook me up. Yeah, honey with this mask we don't have to fear some bitchy Coronavirus, we can even reuse the mask as many times as we want!" A man was talking to his wife on the cellphone.

Then suddenly, behind this man, a hand emerged eerily, but the hand didn't take any action as it instead politely waited for the man to finish his call, it wasn't one of those rude hands after all.

Then as soon as the man finished the hand said, "Woman, am I right?"

"Tell me about it my wi..."


The hand didn't like people that complain about their wives to others! If you have a problem keep it to you're self, I only asked if you were talking to a woman, why are you blabbing so much?

Then the hand opened the box of masks and took away four before vanishing, but not a minute later the hand appeared in the middle of a random bathroom and began washing for thirty seconds, it didn't want to catch the virus when all it did was smack some idiot!


While Nick was cooking Peter kept on staring intently, he determined to replicate the taste this time! Speaking of this, Peter was really annoyed, he had always followed the exact steps Nick used to cook but they never seem to taste the same regardless! And whenever he asked Nick why he always received the same answer, he wasn't handsome enough!

Nick who was having a great time cooking, suddenly felt countless eyes staring at him, frowning Nick lifted his head and was startled to find a group of salivating naked people staring at him, or more particularly the meat he was cooking intensely!

"Sir, could you give me a piece, these god damn bastards are starving us, but we captives have to stick together." A sly middle-aged man ran over while saying this, seemingly wanting to snatch a piece for himself. But a certain area of his wasn't running with him and kept lagging behind.

But before the middle-aged could even get close to the fire, a wave of energy flung him away, throwing him right into the danger zone, the area which was riddled with shit!

Nick didn't seem to notice anything as he kept on cooking, only the kids were applauding away at the performance. As for Peter, he didn't have the time to divert his attention right now, he was too busy learning how to cook.

The Middle-aged man didn't get up for a while, but when he did, he began sobbing relentlessly, he felt so humiliated. Why did this have to happen to a prideful naked man like him?

Around this time a small group of soldiers walked over, led by a bald young man. The man was about to speak when someone interrupted him!

"Big bro Nick, why is the man bold when he looks so young?!" Dean asked out loud.

Nick calmly looked up at the man before he said, "I don't know, maybe he's older than he looks, or maybe somebody forced him."

"No, big bro Nick, how old can he be when he looks so young, I think the second one is more likely, somebody must have forced him to shave it!"

Cough! Cough! The man couldn't let them continue any further, so he coughed to get their attention.

"Hmm, maybe he's sick, some diseased do cause balding!" Nick reanalyzed after hearing the cough.

"What? Ther is such a thing?" Maggi didn't know this before so she was surprised.

"Cough, actually, I shaved it myself! Because..." The man was about to tell them the reason when he got interrupted again.

"Ahh, then are you a monk?" Dean asked.

"No, monks would never join the army! I think it's more likely that he's part of some bald special forces that require its members to shave their heads!" Nick suggested as he rubbed his nonexistent beard.

The man was furious, why didn't these people just ask him?! They didn't even give him a chance to explain as they kept blabbering on and on. The real reason he was bald was because of his old girlfriend.

Years ago when they were still young and courting each other, she had said this in the middle of their stroll, 'I like a man that is both bold and brave!'

Immediately the next day the love-struck man went and shaved his head and joined the army! And to even prove his undying love for her he had paid half his savings to a high-level cultivator to destroy all his hair follicles so that they wouldn't grow back!

But when the girl saw him again she was stunned, what the hell happened to the fellow? And when she heard the reason she became even more stunned as she said, "But darling, I said bold, not bald..."

Then she left him...

"So, which is it, baldy?!" Dean asked, wondering if he or Nick were right!

"Well, you big brother was right, I was previously in a powerful secret force under one of the princes!" The man said.

"..." The man's commanding officer.

"..." One of the naked women which also happened to be his old girlfriend.

"..." His bold head, but it was a head after all, what do you expect it to say...