
"Damn it, you must have been terribly injured by my attack, you are still vomiting?!" The Emperor swore that he hadn't hit the Chef that hard, so why was the man vomiting and spitting repeatedly.

"It's fine your highness, I will live!" Nick said the last words with determination, he swore that he would drink a bottle of strong alcohol later to burn his insides, but for now, he could only inflict as much pain on the person responsible!

'Just you wait, you ungrateful little bastard Emperor, I will get my revenge! I cooked for you, I took care of your wives for you, and I even sent you a nice bottle of wine last time and yet this is how you repay me?!!' Nick was truly aggrieved, why is this world so cruel to nice people?!

"It's good that you're fine, I will be going to check on the palace, and also see if I can find the thief who stole my throne!" The Emperor then disappeared from the main hall.

Nick didn't stay there either though as he left the hall and headed to one of the explosion sites. This area was the west wing of the palace, and it was insanely huge, if one just walked at a normal pace it might take ten minutes just to reach the other side of the hallway, but now, a large part of it, including one of the three main supporting pillars were demolished to rubble.

Nick then calmly placed his hands on the large pile of the collapsed walls and directly stuffed it into his storage space. He didn't need to extract anything since he could directly move it to the System's storage and then let the system take care of it from there.

Ding! Found two Tons of Holy spirit jade, will the host be turning it in?

Nick replied yes, as he went on stuffing pile after pile of the collapsed building parts he saw.

Ding! Found...

Ding! Found...

Ding! Found...

Ding! Found...

And pretty soon Nick realized that he had collected around fifty tons from this side of the palace alone! But sadly he couldn't replicate this again because the Emperor must have started looking for the culprit inside the palace by now after finding no clues outside.

Nick then ate something to recover his energy before he conjured more clones to send to more pillars, around the palace. But he was daring enough to do this in the open because one of his clones just saw the Emperor, and they were now in the middle of a conversation.

"Hey, who are you?! And what are you doing in my palace?!" The Emperor roared at a middle-aged man who was hugging one of the main supporting pillars in the area. And was about to get closer to check the man's face, because he sensed that the man was wearing a disguise.

"Voice too loud, too angry, exploding in rage!" But the Middle-aged man didn't give him a chance as he suddenly blew up destroying a large area around him, even flinging the Emperor away to the side!

"Damn it! Who was that?! And why the hell did he blow up just because someone yelled at him?!" The Emperor was troubled, he didn't understand what was going on at all.

Angry and unresigned the Emperor looked at the collapsed hall and ran to the next area with signs of life, he needed to check and see if there was another suicide bomber on the premises.

But a few minutes after the Emperor left, Nick entered the hall and began 'cleaning up'. Life sure was tiresome, he was ahead chef one day, the substitute Emperor on the next, and a house cleaner today, life sure was filled with ups and downs.

Once he saw the Emperor was standing in the same area as one of his clones, Nick had already headed to the other locations for a thorough clean-up, and he had finally caught up now. And he had already collected a total of two hundred tons of the material before coming here!

On another side of the palace, the Emperor was steadily approaching another person hugging a pillar.

"Hello there, how are you? Can I kindly ask what you are doing here?" The Emperor had learned from his previous mistake, he didn't yell at this person, and it helped that it was a girl this time.

But when the girl looked at him the Emperor was stunned, why was this girl looking at him so scornfully?!

"Hmph! Emperor too spineless, can't watch this disgraceful person any longer, Bye-Bye!" Then the girl exploded, with just as much ferocity as the Middle-aged man from earlier!

"Huh?! This one didn't like me because I spoke so gently?! What do they want from me?!!!" The Emperor was about to lose his mind.

Fuck it! Enraged he headed to the next place with a sign of life at his fastest speed! But when he arrived this time he didn't try talking to probe who they were like he did the previous times, instead, he launched an attack immediately, smacking the person away from the pillar, but the person's body was sturdy, almost to the level of an origin realm weapon as he still managed to survive and detonate the explosion!

"Why?! Why is all this happening to me?!! What have I done to you heaven that you punish me so?! Is it because I burned that village years ago, but that doesn't count, I was young and hot-blooded, and besides, the village didn't have too many beautiful women in it!!" The Emperor just couldn't understand why all of this was happening to him.

Nick who was following the Emperor found that he only needed one more explosion at the palace to secure enough Holy spirit jade for the mission, so he began detonating one of his clones who had was hugging a pillar looked terribly bored.

Boom! Crumble! Quake! Quake! Crumble!

All of a sudden as Nick detonated this clone the entire palace began to shake and crumble rapidly. The palace had lost too many supporting pillars, frightened Nick jumped out of the palace through a hole in the wall, and he even ordered some of his clones to leave the palace as well.

The Emperor saw the palace crumbling around him, but he didn't move, he was too shocked, he was too angry and he was too aggrieved to move right now. And even when walls and rocks of the palace struck him on the head he didn't move as he simply stared at the ground in a daze.

But then, as if he thought of something even more horrific, the Emperor ran towards his bedroom, he needed to make sure that at least his vault was safe!

After he arrived he saw the bed was damaged by a large rock that fell from the roof, but he didn't care as he waved his hands and lifted the bed and the large bolder together and flung them through the wall.

And when he finally looked at the vault, which was his final straw of hope empty, his emotions clashed and he immediately went insane. Not insane with rage, no, he literally went insane!

"Agugu Gaga." The Emperor began sucking on his thumb as he looked around the crumbling palace with curious eyes.

"Hehehe, break, break, weeeeee! This is fun! I want to break stuff too!" The Emperor began cheering like a kid who was watching his favorite cartoon, especially when he noticed how the things didn't hurt him when they fell, so he grabbed a piece of rock beside him and smashed it into a wall.

"Yaaaay, baby strong! Look, mom, baby strong!" The Emperor said excitedly to his side but was horrified when he noticed no one was beside him.

He was following logic, since he was a kid then he should at least have a mommy. So, where was his mommy?!

"Mommy!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaa! I want my mommy!!!" The Emperor wailed out, which was very contradictory from the deep voice coming out.

The Emperor then ran out of his room with his arms waving about every were as tears fell violently fell from his eyes and he wailed. Outside the palace, Nick walked to a totally destroyed part of the palace and finally took enough of the material to complete his main mission.

Ding! Material for the main mission, Holly spirit jade collected, five hundred tons out of five hundred tons!

But just before Nick could celebrate he heard wails and screams of some deep-voiced kid asking for his mom coming from inside the Palace!

Damn it! He had made sure no one was inside before he began destroying the place, he had even sent the royals to check on the Empresses at the Empress residence, but how come he didn't notice a small kid during his inspection?!

But he didn't have the leisure to think right now as ran towards the direction the voice was coming from.

"Mommy! Where is my mommy?! I want my mommy?!" The boy continued to wail much to Nick's annoyance, whose stupid baby was this, why didn't he run, why did he just keep on crying for his mommy as if he wanted her to die with him in there?! Because unless the boy's mommy was a transcendence realm expert there is no way she could survive this collapse.

"Your mommy is here boy! Come out! She is outside waiting for you!" Nick roared into the crumbling palace and was about to run inside to find the kid when a large figure rushed out of the palace at terrifying speed and stood in front of him, and it took Nick a few blinks to clearly see it was the Emperor.

The Emperor then looked around the place as if he was searching for something important until he finally laid his eyes on the only person in close proximity to him, Nick.

"Mommy?!" The Emperor asked in a confused manner with his head tilted, why was his mommy soooo ugly?

"Excuse me?" Nick stared wide-eyed at the Emperor, truly shocked, did the Emperor mean daddy?