Completing the Main mission, part 1

Peter had gotten worried from the moment he received Nick's order to take the kids away, he worried about how he was going to spend alone time with the two crazy kids. The chocolate addict would eat him alive if she thought he touched her chocolate. And her perverted brother that flirted with any woman, married or not, would get him into trouble sooner or later?!

And when he found out that Nick had no intention of giving him money for it, his worries all the more deepened, how was he going to pay for the meals and accommodations of the kids then, was he going to have to use his own money?!

But the kids didn't worry him as he thought they would, as soon as they left imperial city all they talked about was how they missed Nick already and how they hoped he would come back to them safely, in fact, as soon as the kids found out that Nick wasn't there to shield them from the outside world like he usually was, they lost all sense of childishness and became incredible wary and serious in every situation.

Ever since they lost their parents and got forced into being workers by that gang they had gradually learned to hide their playfulness and were seldom happy and smiling, but after they met Nick, whether it was because they could tell that he genuinely cared for them, or because they could feel he had experienced the same things they did, they were finally able to return to their childish and playful selves.

But every time Nick left for a task or some other reason, they would return to feeling uneasy because that steady wall that they could lean on at any time would no longer be there.

But seeing the kids acting so differently from their usual selves made Peter feel sort of sad, so he did anything and everything he could to cheer them up. He first took them out around the village town so they could eat some delicious street food.

Then when they finished eating, he took them to the night market to enjoy the lively atmosphere, and after repeated failure, Peter finally managed to make the kids forget their unease and wariness and got them to enjoy themselves fully, in fact, the little kids were having so much fun that they seemed to have finally regained life for the first time after they left Imperial city.

"Thank you, Uncle Peter, we had a great time today!" Dean and Maggi both bowed to Peter respectfully before they went off to bed, which warmed Peter's heart extremely. He even felt like all the time and money spent that day was worth it.

On the next day...

"Uncle Peter, where are we going today?! Will there be any girls there?!" Dean woke him up chirpily, while Maggi stood behind him staring at Peter expectantly as well.

Peter felt his pockets shrink in fear. He had spent what he spent the previous day just so he could help the kids get out of their slump, but they were just fine today, and he didn't have so much money on him either!

" you two have in mind?!" Peter spoke through his gritted teeth. The twins were looking at him with so much admiration and respect that he just couldn't bear disappointing them.

"How about a fancy restaurant, like the one we went to last time, the one with the ladies serving us!!" Dean said excitedly.

"Humph! Men are all the same!" Maggi snorted. She felt disappointed with her brother, who focused on women at such a young age.

"You will love it too sis, they have cakes there that are so sweet they will give you a toothache instantly!" Dean's lie was easy to see through, even for an idiot! But sadly, he had hit the smart little Maggi in her one blind spot, Sweets! As soon as she heard there were sweet cakes, she had already determined to go there, even if she had to spend the money Nick gave her to give to Peter!

Yes, Nick felt bad at the last second, he knew how much Peter received as a salary, and he sent most of his earning to his family somewhere, so he shouldn't have much on him at the moment, which was why he called on Maggi because he couldn't find Peter and gave here the energy stones instead.

He told her to give it to Peter as soon as she saw him because he would be taking care of their meals and accommodations.

But Maggi had never kept so many energy stones on her before, and she quite enjoyed the sound they made where they rattled in her little satchel so she was extremely unwilling to part with them even if it meant she wouldn't have to eat or sleep! But due to Peter's generous and kind actions yesterday, she had decided to give him the money today.

And so, after Peter got dressed up, they marched to the fanciest restaurant in the village town and got seats in the most luxurious private room in it.

This was all part of Maggi's design. She wanted to make Peter feel worried and uneasy about the bill, then, when he felt like all hope was lost she would give him the money Nick gave her and make him very happy.

"What will you be having sir?" A beautiful waitress walked into the private room and asked.

"Are you on the menu, because someone as delicious looking as you should be!" Dean took out the other book he found from Nick's trash basket titled, 'Cheesy pickup lines for losers' and read out a line to the waitress.

"Ahhh, you want to eat me?!" The waitress's eyes welled up with tears all of a sudden, this wasn't earth where pickup lines were common, here men were straight forward with what they wanted, a man would simply come up to a woman and say, ' Nice, want to mate?' and boom...goodbye virginity, hello one-second stroke!

And besides, here in the cultivation world, it was common for dark cultivators to eat women, men, and babies to help supply their cultivation, so when the waitress heard the line all that entered her mind was, she was going to be food, and that no matter how ordinary people may seem on the outside, even a child could eat her up.

"Ahh!" But it wasn't only her that got scared with Dean's remark. Even Peter and Maggi felt shocked and terrified. Why didn't they notice they were traveling with a little demon?!

Dean realized that he had gotten misunderstood, so he quickly explained himself.

"No, no, no! I meant you look beautiful so beautiful that I want to eat you up." Dean explained, he had previously misunderstood the line as well, but thanks to his kind and nurturing Big brother, he was finally able to understand it wasn't anything so ugly or scary, in fact, it was a very large compliment!

"Being beautiful is my sin, but please forgive me, let me go. And oh yes, I also have a terrible laugh, that even I myself find incredibly off-putting!" The waitress became even more convinced of her initial assessment. These were dark cultivators here to eat her up! And to think that it was the beauty she was so proud of that would lead to her demise!

"No! I am not going to eat you up literally! It is just a saying in my brother's hometown that means you look beautiful!"

Dean spoke in exasperation, why are the people all so illiterate, it seems it was only Nick that was intelligent in the world, as for doubting Nick, Dean would never do that, to him Nick was not only his savior but also his role model, in fact, his only two goals in life, were to become half the man Nick was, and also becoming the harem king!

"Aha, so that's what you meant...very clever young master...gegegege" The waitress was so happy she made a grave mistake, she actually did the one thing her boss told her to never do, she laughed~! And with that one creepy-ass laugh, the image of a beauty that she carried instantly flew right out of the window.

So, after she took their orders the waitress left with her head hanging low, she could see the excitement in Peter's eyes when she first entered the room, the look of an infatuated man, but as soon as she laughed, she only saw betrayal and heartache in his eyes, she could see he felt betrayed over her laugh...

"What others see as your flaws; I see as your beauty marks!" Nick had previously taught Dean that the optimal time to strike a girl's heart was when she felt ugly. That was when one compliment could make a mile of difference.

"" The waitress pointed at herself in disbelief.

"Hmm!" Dean nodded firmly.

"Waaaaaa!" Suddenly out of nowhere the waitress dropped the tray in her hands and ran over into Dean's tiny arms.

Dean was so excited at the moment; all the things Nick had taught him came in handy after all! And he swore that from then on even if Nick told him to die, he would, who else in the world could predict a woman's heart this well?!

But if Nick knew that the shit he talked out of his ass had actually helped Dean in actually capturing a woman's heart, he would have been stunned as well.

Dean enjoyed the warm hug of the woman for a while with satisfaction, but soon he thought of something that horrified him!

What now?! What was the next step after this?! Do men and women just keep hugging each other like this forever?! If so then when do they eat and sleep, will he be considered married now?! If so, then how was he going to explain it to Nick that he had gotten married without him being there to witness it?!