Sandwich thief!

"We're here! That is the door to the secret realm!" After flying for so long, they seemed to have finally reached their destination.

Nick then turned his head to the large bronze door that stretched all the way to the sky, the doors seemed to be leading to nowhere though as there was nothing beside or behind them!

"So, Loyd, do you know where these doors come from?" Nick asked while staring slack-jawed at the beautiful door, his mind filled with a single thought. 'My palace would look amazing if it had such a door, I wonder if the system can somehow take it…?!'

His palace must have gotten fully constructed by now too, but sadly all the system kept asking him was if he would like to enter the palace and refused to give him any answers about where it was, what it looked like, or even if he could take it out, and he was unable to enter the palace because it would be weird if he vanished in front of his new guest, Loyd.

"No, Brother Nick, from what we know so far all these doors just pop up randomly with no fixed period or place, but thankfully our ancestors have devised devices we can use to sense the doors when they do arrive. But until now, not a single person knows where these gates come from and why!"

After spending these few days with Nick, Loyd had finally realized the true meaning of comfort and luxury, the food Nick cooked was exquisite, to say the least, the drinks were heavenly, the beds were comfortable and the entertainment was many, simply put, he'd rather stay on this saddle than go treasure exploring in the secret realm or back to cultivating in his sect.

"Rate the strongest powers here, from most powerful to the weakest!" Nick kept on requesting information from Loyd, but he didn't try to ask sneakily as he did before, this was mainly because he realized that this Loyd was a foody, and as long as his stomach was full, he would even spill some sect secrets!

"There are five powers here that you should be wary of, these five powers have nearly sent all their top cultivators for this secret realm in desperation! These five empires are the Lion Empire, the Flaming Phoenix sect, the Devil's Light Empire, the Metal Empire, and the Soulless sect!"

"These five powers are the most powerful here, but scarier figures will probably appear during these next few days because the temptation of a Secret realm is too much for most to ignore!" Loyd spoke confidently, he was known for being a good gossip, so how could he lack information?!

'Hey Old geezer, do you know what these Secret realms are?' Nick also had another source of information, and although he and the Old geezer usually bickered, the Old fool was still helpful when it came to serious matters...sometimes.

'Humph, idiot, so now you decide to come and ask me?! After you have finished milking the fool for the information you come running back to this senior with your tail wagging like a dog?!!' The Old geezer spoke scornfully.

The Old geezer was no longer afraid of Nick. When Nick first received the title associated with the Deception Fist skill, he had overreacted due to the fear of losing his little guy, but lately, he realized that although his manhood could be at risk, how could someone like him, who frightened those so-called ancients and gods all those years ago cower to a stupid boy?!

And with that, the Old geezer regained his confidence and bearing. Now he would make Nick sweat a little before helping, that was how he operated and Nick needed to respect that!

"Come on Old geezer, spill it, or do you not know what the doors are either?!" Nick was using simple reverse psychology, and there was no way a fully grown man would fall for it, but Nick hoped that the Old geezer was as stupid as he usually acted.

"Hey, who do you think you're talking to here, of course, I know what those doors are!! Hmph, those doors are the doors to a secret realm, hehe!" The Old geezer has finished his speech with laughter because he could see Nick's face turning blue from anger.

"I already know that you Old shriveled up virgin! What I was asking you is what exactly they are and where they come from!!!" Nick was truly angry. For a second there, he had really thought the Old fool was going to tell him.

"I will not speak while being disrespected, so tell me, who's the shriveled up old virgin?!"

"Your mother!"


"Your, father?!"

"What did you say, brat?!"

"I said I was the shriveled up old asshole." Nick lied with a straight face, although he was certain that the old geezer had heard him clearly on the previous two times.

"Humph...and let that be a lesson to you. Just because you are old doesn't mean you are a virgin!" The Old geezer was apparently easy to satisfy and was about really to tell Nick what he wanted to know.

"When wars break out in the upper realms powerful weapons and treasures fall through the void, and some manage to crash through the constraints and make it to the lower realms like this one, and although these weapons lose most of their power and energy during their descent, they're still considered precious in this realm."

"So, the world, over time, expels these weapons, armors, or other artifacts by creating these realms and allowing its inhabitants to fight for them. How was that for powerful knowledge, stupid brat?!" The Old geezer truly was knowledgeable and was right to feel proud. In fact, if they were on better terms, Nick would have praised him severely, but since they weren't...

"Ignorant old coot, and here I thought you were going to tell me something new, but it was just something so simple and common?! Do you know who told me about this before you, it was Dean, that little child knew about this but he still remained humble, why are you so cocky when you just spouted some common knowledge?!"

Of course, Nick was lying, and he knew that the Old geezer watched him twenty-four hours a day so he probably knew most of the conversations he had, but he still lied anyway because the point of this lie was not to appear as truth, but to piss off the Old bastard until he choked!

"You little...!" The Old geezer was furious. Why can't this dirty bastard end a conversation civilly for once?

"Oh yeah, about being old not meaning you are a virgin, I agree with that fully, but I called you a virgin because you are one not because you are old, be proud of your abstinence and tell yourself that it was by choice not by lack of suiters!" Nick spoke randomly, but little did he know that his words had shocked the Old geezers should!

"You're right! It wasn't because I lacked women, it was my choice to remain pure! Hahahaha, finally, I understand why I got turned down by other women when I asked them out, it wasn't that they didn't like me, it was because they didn't want to take my virginity away from me!!" The Old geezer seemed to have had another door open to him as happiness and hope entered his heart once again, he sure was awesome!

Nick had absolutely no clue what the Crazy Old fart was talking about, but he was happy for him, nonetheless. Crazy people only enjoyed life when they were speaking nonsense, after all.

"Look, the gates are flashing! This means they are about to reveal how many participants are allowed and what their cultivation bases should be!" Loyd stood up while munching on a sandwich Nick just made for himself, he had stolen it while Nick was arguing with the Old geezer over by the side.

Whenever Nick spoke to the Old geezer, he looked absolutely retarded to the person watching from the sidelines. They would just see Nick standing at a side and changing expressions randomly, one minute he would be angry, then he would put on a look as if he was mocking someone, then without warning he would put on a serious look and keep nodding as if he was listening to someone and gaining invaluable knowledge!

But thankfully the kids and Peter were used to this by now and assumed this was Nick's way of thinking deeply, while Loyd just looked on in pity, it was common for cultivators to make a mistake during cultivation and lose their minds, and although Nick was normal most of the time, this still showed that he was mentally unstable and that he needed love and nurturing.

"How does the door show such things?" Nick asked curiously as he calmly noted down Loyd's theft of the sandwich. This was an act of war!

Nobody takes another man's sandwich and gets away with it, nobody! He would make sure to shave the bastard while he was sleeping later, this was the only way he would be able to sleep at night! As for fearing revenge, why would he when the Emperor's bed was right beside his?

The Emperor had bugged Nick for hours to make this happen, Duke's logic was that a son should sleep beside his father, and thankfully he had no plans on sleeping on the same bed, or Nick would have needed to be a bad parent and drown his own son.

"Simple, look!" Loyd pointed at the door, and just as he did some writings appeared on the door.

'Cultivator above immortal realm, no entry! People above one thousand, no entry!'

"What a stupid world!" The Old geezer snorted.

Nick also agreed since he found the world's vocabulary to be too poor. Indeed, the world did sound a little stupid.

"This is great! We can actually go into the secret ream this time! Brother Nick, it seems the Goddess of luck is with us!" Loyd was excited to see his cultivation level didn't stop him from entering.

"Brother Loyd, from what I've heard, having the Goddess of luck with us isn't such a good thing..." Nick remembered how the Old geezer spoke so ill of that woman and looked around to make sure she really wasn't around.