Finally entering the secret realm

"Good! Now you, Classy lady over there, your turn to apologize! My disciple has proven to be an Alchemist, and you have wronged her earlier by calling her a liar, now apologize!" Nick was just as stern on the woman as he was with Claire.

"You want me to apologize as well?!" The classy lady had first found it weird when Nick had forced his own disciple to apologize but now that he had turned and asked her to do the same she felt a little relieved, yet when she saw her husband's expectant face that was just begging to be punched by gloating in her misfortune, she just couldn't go through with it.

"Of course, think about it, just as cultivators have their pride we Alchemists have out pride too! So I believe that mutual respect and understanding is the key to a peaceful relationship, my disciple has sincerely apologized and even complimented you, so it isn't too much to ask of you, to do the same, right?!" Nick was overbearing at this point.

+40 domineering points

+50 domineering points

+50 domineering points

+70 domineering points

+10 domineering points...

Nick's bravery in talking back to a cultivator whose cultivation was so much higher than his, had garnered him a certain level of awe from the crowd watching, so due to his overbearing demeanor the Domineering points came flooding in, but Nick was too worried to care about that now, all he cared about was making it to the secret realm safely, once inside he could find a secluded spot to level up.

"Are you sure you are going to insist on this?!" The Classy woman was gritting her teeth when she asked Nick, on one side she didn't want to offend a powerful Alchemist, and on the other hand, she was unwilling to apologize to someone, so much weaker than her in public.

"I will apologize in my wife's place, I hope that is alright with you sir Alchemist." The Husband knew his wife's temper very well, and although he would enjoy watching the woman taking a step back for once, he knew from her expression that she would start a war before that happened, so he took the initiative to apologize in her place.

After years of being the husband of a crazy woman, he has learned the art of apologizing for nothing, in fact, sometimes he would just wake up yelling, 'Forgive me!' but this one trait has saved him multiple times during his marriage, every time he would wake up yelling like that he would always find his wife coincidentally hovering over his bed with a weapon, and his random sleep talk would save him in the nick of time!

Nick smiled once he heard the husband's apology, of course, he could see that the woman had no intentions of apologizing, but he had banked it all in believing the husband would, he has seen this kind of spouse countless times back on earth, a husband that was beaten until he was fully tamed, a husband who would apologize for his wife no matter what she did, just to prevent the matters from getting worse.

But Nick had thought too much of his own intellect this time because no matter how many times a person calculated and planned there would always be a wildcard in play that could potentially destroy all that hard work with a simple statement, and in Nick's case, this wild card was none other than Loyd himself.

"Who do you think you are?! Do you not know what an Alchemist symbolizes, each one of them walks around with the protection of those legendary sects and Empires! It is your honor that Brother Nick is even speaking to you with respect, do you want to see the wrath an Alchemist can rain down if he called in reinforcement?!"

Loyd felt like he needed to vent his anger over the spit covered sandwich, on the two powerhouses in front of him, he had no fear anyway since Nick and Claire were there with him.

Nick wanted nothing more than to grab Loyd's face and just pummel it until his hands felt numb, what kind of person would want to die so badly, what gave him such courage to speak to the two powerhouses like this, besides Loyd had indirectly told the married couple to be fearful of the wrath Nick could bring if he was left alive.

If it wasn't because he was worried it would go against his 'Alchemist image' he would have denied knowing Loyd and threw to the wolves.

"Aren't you taking this too far?!" Now even the husband was furious and was filled with murderous intent.

"That's right, Loyd, it isn't too good to push them too far, can't you see that the man of the house has already apologized?!" This was the only solution Nick could think of at this moment.

"That's right sir Alchemist! I have already apologized as the man of the house!" The Husband had never thought a day would come when a person would consider him the man of the house, it made him feel so...touched!

"What did you just call him?! The man of the house? This chicken of a man can never be the man of my house!" The wife played her part well in Nick's plan as she refused to let her husband feel prideful for even a second.

"What do you mean?! Then am I the woman of the house?!" The husband was furious as well, he could be embarrassed in his home but she also kept on humiliating him in public?!

"He's right, classy lady, it is inappropriate to call a man, the woman of the house."Nick threw a comment to fuel the fire and immediately turned around and began fixing Maggi's ponytail as if it wasn't him that spoke just now.

"Thank you, sir Alchemist, I'm seriously curious, if I'm not the man of the house then who is, you?!" The husband was ready to die today.

"Are you calling this woman manly?" Nick threw another comment before he began smacking Loyd and berating him for no reason.

"You dare to call me manly?!!" The wife asked her husband furiously.

"What?! I...I...but...he..." The husband was flustered, he really didn't say anything of the sort.

"A man should have his pride, especially a manly one like you! So what if you get beaten up, you're going to be beaten up for no reason anyway, might as well speak your heart." Nick threw in yet another comment and began looking at the sky while drooling like a retard, his image was saying it all, 'don't look at me, I'm stupid and just spouting nonsense.'

And even though the husband and wife were a little suspicious, the words Nick spoke struck the husband deeply!

"That's right! As long as I'm going to get beaten up anyway then I might as well say something deserving the beating! Listen up! This woman's favorite pastime is rubbing the crotch of our pet beast! Her hair is fake, her makeup is the only reason she looks human, if she took it off she would make a perfect scarecrow!" The husband got carried away and began venting out his years of pain.

Nick had already ordered Silver to slowly get close to the doors while the married couple were arguing, he even took out his teleportation talisman from the storage space and handed it to the Emperor beside him, even though he did not actually think of the Emperor as his son he still wouldn't feel right if he left someone so mentally immature there for dead.

And he couldn't take the Emperor with him due to the cultivation restriction of the secret realm.

"Father, what is this?" The Emperor glanced at the talisman with curiosity as he asked.

"Something good, wait a moment." Nick then erased the teleportation mark from the saddle quickly, this way the teleportation talisman would teleport the Emperor to the other location with the mark, which as in the forest he first encountered Silver in.

"Son, quickly, feed the talisman your energy." Nick hurried him, he had to leave soon or they would be dead once the married couple figure out they were played.

"Why father?" The Emperor still asked meaningless questions prompting Nick to slap him upside the head hard, this was the ancient rule of parenting when you don't have an answer or don't want to answer a question your child asks, just smack them on the head until they find the answer themselves!

And so after five repetitive fast smacks on the head, the Emperor finally found the answer to his question, the answer was, he should just do as he's told! And so after feeding the talisman his energy, a powerful protective cover enveloped him, but the cover was too bright and had attracted the eyes of the couple as well!

But Nick wasn't too worried, because they were literally inches away from the doors when this happened.


One had to applaud the fast response of the couple, as soon as they turned around and realized Nick was inches away from the door they launched their strikes simultaneously on the Emperor who covered by the teleportation talisman protective cover and Silver's saddle.

But too bad they were a tad bit too late, the Emperor was teleported microseconds before the attacks could land, and Silver had just dunked his head into the door when the attacks arrived, and since they were now under the protection of the secret realm door no attack or power from an immortal realm expert was allowed to approach, so no one was surprised when a powerful counterforce emerged from the door that dispersed the attack.

And moments before entering the realm completely Nick said something filled with wisdom, that would inspire a generation to come!

"The key to a good marriage are sex toooooooooooooys!"

And with those parting words, Nick finally entered the secret realm.