Nick goes crazy!

"Oh really?! Do you really have a death wish, lying brat?! Well then, why don't you try cultivating this technique?!" The Light Prince took out the technique, that he believed to be the most difficult to cultivate out of his arsenal, and threw it over to Nick.

Nick looked at the Light Prince with watery eyes. What a nice little Senior immortal, he gave him powerful techniques as punishment?!

Ding! Do you want to learn the 'Rage of the Black Tiger' technique?

[Rage of the Black Tiger(Immortal King Level): The Rage of the Black Tiger is a technique nearly impossible to cultivate after the first level as it requires the blood of the Legendary Black Tiger. This skill has seven levels, and each level requires more of the Black Tiger's blood to cultivate.]

Nick read the description on the system panel, and then the description written on the book itself, but unlike how these two usually carried similar content, there was a key difference this time because unlike the description from the system, the one from the book said nothing about any Tiger blood, or how it was needed to cultivate the technique.

But what truly worried Nick at the moment, was that this was his first encounter with a technique that required additional materials! He had no idea if the System was still capable of leveling up such a technique! And thankfully his worries were unfounded, as the system panel showed he could indeed level up the technique without the need of the Black Tiger blood. But the price...

The Price was just too ridiculous! Two thousand Domineering points just to level up a technique to the second level?! But Nick figured this was probably caused by the additional material required, the system must have deducted the cost of the Black Tiger blood as well! So, after hours of silence and mental agony, Nick finally decided to cultivate and level up the technique to its second level.

'Learn it'

Nick then proceeded to level up the technique.

Ding! Two thousand Domineering points deducted!

Ding! The Rage of the Black Tiger has been leveled up to the second level!

Nick then went on to check the amount he would need to level the skill up to the third level, and the price nearly gave him a heart attack, Six thousand?! This had to be the first time any technique had cost so much just to reach the third level!

The Light Prince was currently imagining the happiness and satisfaction he would soon feel when Nick failed to learn the technique. And he praised himself repeatedly for unraveling the secret ruse set up by the two tricky bastards!

But when Light Prince woke up from his daydreaming to check on Nick's progress, or lack thereof, he found Nick looking at him with his bloodthirsty eyes, seething in rage! Those eyes appeared to be so full of hate, they seemed to be accusing him of some heinous crime like murdering the boys entire family!

Yes, Nick was incredibly angry at the Light Prince Immortal, he had given him a technique which milked him out of two thousand Domineering points! And not only that, neither the description written on the book nor the one from the system had actually explained what the actual use of this technique was! So he won't even know what he has invested in until he tries the skill out himself!

"What are you glaring at, boy?! It's not my fault that I didn't fall for the ploy you two had set up...oh wait, it is! hahaha!" The Light Prince was beyond happy to see Nick's furious glare because that meant, he had always been right, and that the two bastards had tried to outwit him, but they had failed miserably!

"Light Prince, you better watch what you say?! Why would I collaborate with a young brat just to trick you?! Don't think so highly of yourself!" Green Sparrow must have had it with the false allegations as well as he picked up his staff in preparation for an attack.

"Oh, sorry senior, this is the price I pay for staying focused for so long. It takes a lot of my brainpower to comprehend these skills you see." Nick rubbed his eyes slightly as he stood up.

Nick was coming up with an excuse that would prevent the two Immortals from asking him to level up the technique any further, he just didn't want to waste his points on this when he didn't even know what trials he would encounter ahead.

"So, are you admitting you can't cultivate it?" The Light Prince didn't seem surprised, but he still darted a glance at the Green Sparrow Immortal who was frowning by the side.

"Yes, Senior Light Prince Immortal. It seems I can't cultivate the technique any higher than to its second level at the moment." Nick's face looked absolutely dejected, and the look of self-loathing couldn't have been more evident on his face.

But it was exactly this look of dejection that made both Light Prince and Green Sparrow want to punch him in his face! The Brat had cultivated a technique to the second level in merely a few hours and he still wasn't satisfied?! Why don't you go and hang yourself then?!

"Liar! Hahahaha, I've got you now! This technique is uncultivatable! Even my master has spent years studying it to no avail, and he had finally concluded that the technique required some unique material to cultivate it! So you see, it is impossible for you to have cultivated the technique because you simply couldn't have!" The Light Prince proved his cunningness! Or so he thought!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Nick hadn't paid attention to a single thing that snarky and childish immortal said. He had spent so many domineering points on this technique, and he was anxious to find out what he had paid for!

And just as Nick activated the technique, some patches of his skin started to turn Ink black at visible speed! Shocked and scared Nick hurriedly tore apart the cloth on his chest so see how bad the ink was spreading, but his eyes went wide in the next second because the black ink converged to create a life-like image of a Black Tiger on his chest!


The Tiger image had actually come to life as it roared in rage at the two immortals in front of it! Yet unlike the awe Inspiring roar the two Immortals were hearing, Nick was hearing words instead.

'Kill! Kill! Kill!'

And with each passing second, Nick's eyes turned a shade darker until finally...


Nick launched a fist strike at the Light Prince!

"Looking to die, are we?!" The Light Prince wasn't one to hold back against weaker opponents as he launched a powerful fist strike as well!

Bang! Both fists clashed!

And seconds later, Nick was turned into a bloody mess as he got thrown hundreds of meters away, while the Light Prince hadn't moved an inch the whole time! And sadly all that had suddenly happened had prevented Green Sparrow from reacting and he was unable to save Nick in time.

But then, just as the two Immortals were certain of Nick's demise.

Crack, crack, crack!

Nick's bones realigned themselves, and his wounds began healing at a rapid speed!

"Die! Stupid ugly Immortal!" Nick roared in rage and attacked the Light Prince again.

"Humph! You won't even have a complete corpse this time!" To be honest, Light Prince was, astonished with the miraculous recovery Nick had shown. And the strength he had felt during Nick's earlier attack wasn't something someone of the transcendence realm was able to unleash. But he still won't spare Nick, he couldn't spare such a disrespectful junior no matter who his master is. At most he would have to go into hiding later until the sage calmed down. And then with his master as a mediator, he was certain he would get off scot-free!

But unlike before, Nick didn't meet his fists straight on. Instead, Nick pulled away with a scary-looking smirk as soon as the Light Prince's fist flew out, and he immediately ducked down and reached out to grab Light Prince's legs!

"What are you...?!" Light Prince was certain that Nick could do him no harm so hadn't bothered in putting his defenses up. And just as he expected, Nick had grabbed his legs and tried to lift him up only to fail miserably. In fact, he looked kind of funny with his cheeks puffed up from overexertion. Yet, Light Prince was about to make fun of the young man for being so weak and useless when...



Green Sparrow had appeared behind Light Prince and landed a second poke, which nearly twice as violent as the first one!


Nick had taken this opportunity to stand up and throw a punch, but the Light Prince had obviously seen this coming since he threw his palm and caught it! He knew that the punch wouldn't do him harm, but it still wouldn't look good if even a junior landed a punch on him, right? But Nick still had that malevolent, and hair-raising smile on his face! Because his actual attack came from his feet, which were aimed at the Light Prince's manhood!


Now in terrible pain, the Light Prince hurried flung Nick away and grabbed a hold of his crotch in an attempt to comfort it a little. Green Sparrow's attack earlier had prompted him to use every ounce of energy to protect his backside, so this had left his poor little weapon defenseless to Nick's brutal assault earlier.

"Hehehe, does it hurt?! Die, ugly Immortal!" Nick's voice was hoarse and scary by this point, and he resembled a demon that had just made an appearance in this world. But no one cared about his appearance at this point, since Nick had rushed back after being flung away and grabbed Light Prince's face as he began digging his two thumbs into the Light Prince's eyes violently while laughing like a maniac the whole time!

Nick was basically fighting in the dirtiest ways possible. He hadn't used a single technique so far, yet each of his attacks, were brutal and deadly as they aimed for the most vital parts of the human body!

And even the Green Sparrow Immortal, who had always hated the Light Prince couldn't help feeling sorry for him. The man was just too unlucky to have run into such a rabid dog!

"Muhahahahaha, Die, Die, Die! Cough! Senior! What happened?! What is going on here?!" Nick was crazily laughing, as he dug his sharp nails into Light Prince's eyes, and even as the Light Prince punched holes in him repeatedly, in an attempt to remove him, Nick refused to do so, and his injuries were healed up in a few short moments.

But Nick had begun regaining some clarity in the middle of this violent scene, and he was shocked to find himself doing something, he had never thought he would do! He had wrapped his legs around another man's neck, as his fingers constantly wrestled to pierce through the man's eyes.

And when his clarity had fully returned, Nick was petrified to find that the person he was abusing so harshly, was the Light Prince Immortal himself!


Nick was punched so hard that he flew for hundreds of meters, and then skidded for hundreds more before stopping. His injuries were so bad that parts of his internal organs were strewn on the floor!

"I will kill you!" The Light Prince hollered in rage. He had never felt so embarrassed in his life! A cultivator, at the first rank of the transcendence realm, had made him, the famous Light Prince Immortal into such a sorry figure?! Unforgivable?! This was absolutely unforgivable?!