Be careful what you say

"Both of you are too weak to survive in this Secret realm so you will spend your times cultivating in your rooms! Here, take these transcendence stones and try to break through to the Profound realm within the next few days, I will try to find you some techniques suitable for you during that time." Nick then took out ten transcendence stones and gave the kids five each. He then took them to one of the unoccupied rooms and told them to cultivate inside while he went outside and tried to free Loyd.

"Now, how do I go about this?" Nick tried to think of ways he could free Loyd, and remain hidden at the same time. Yet try as he may, Nick just couldn't think of anything that could work. But Nick maintained a visual on the outside just so he won't miss anything.


Suddenly one of the cloaked men returned to the roof Nick disappeared on and began talking to himself while pacing. "Damn it! I will definitively be the one that Master Crow kills! Everyone has been itching to get rid of me ever since I ruined that high profiled case. But how was I to know that an assassin shouldn't wear a white cloak when sneaking around?! There was no strict dress code in the rule books, so I just wanted to look fresh for once because I grew tired of all the black. Is having some fashion sense a crime?!" It was Shadow Two, and from his mannerisms, he seemed to be dead certain of his imminent demise.

Nick couldn't help sympathizing with the man. To an assassin wearing a dark-colored cloth to blend in with their surrounding at night was a given, and it didn't need any saying for a person to know that. But this stupid fellow wore a white cloak while tracking someone just so he could look fashionable? No wonder he felt anxious about his life. But Nick also felt like the man was courageous in his own way, at least he dared to dream and think outside the box.

"Ash! So frustrating!" Shadow Two took off the cloak's hoody and pulled at his hair in frustration.

Shua! Crack! Nick was always a person that enjoyed comforting others, which was exactly why he suddenly popped up behind the troubled fellow and gave him a pat on the neck, using the Deboning fist, of course. And immediately the man fell limp on the ground and lost consciousness, Nick didn't go for the kill since he didn't know if the man's friends had ways to sense his death. And after hearing about how Light Prince was capable of tracking a technique, Nick wouldn't be surprised if these men could do the same.

Nick then lifted the man and took a closer look at his face.

The man looked to be in his twenties, but of course one couldn't just judge people's age based on their appearance in this world. The man could be centuries old and he still might look like this young if he so desired. The words 'Shadow Two' was tattooed on the man's forehead, but Nick shivered a little, reading it. Not from disgust, but from fright.

The reason Nick reacted so differently from his usual self was because he knew what the tattoo meant, and which organization it belonged to!

"Brat, why don't you think about this after you go to the Palace, being out in the open like this isn't so smart you know." The Old geezer warned, honestly trying to help Nick for a change. He knew that Nick was going to face a lot of trouble as he attempted to free his friend, and he admired him for being daring enough to do so, which was why he was trying to aid him the only way he knew how, by giving him some needed advice.

"No, not yet, I can't let them discover this man's body just yet. I might need to get some information out of him first." Nick responded with a frown as he began looking around for a safe enough place to take the man for questioning.

"Why don't you just take the man to the Palace with you? You can just keep him in a dark room to make sure he doesn't see anything right?" Old geezer again tried to advise Nick, while hinting something at him.

"Humph! Old geezer, are you trying to mess with me?! You know full well that a person needs to sign a consent form before they enter the palace! So, how is the man supposed to do that when he is unconscious?! Don't tell me you want to wake him up? If I did that then there won't be any guarantee he will even consider the offer, in fact, he might even have a way to alert the others to his presence!" Nick then caught his breath; it was tiring and unrewarding to teach the retarded.

The Old geezer ran around the Dark space screaming his lungs out to vent his rage and frustration. What an ungrateful brat! He even considered letting the stupid boy think for himself and staying out of the matter but his honor prevented him from doing that. Since he had promised to help the stupid brat then he might as well do it, right?

"You don't need their consent if the people are unconscious. But the people that enter using this method can't leave the space while they are conscious either." The Old geezer spoke in such a monotonous voice that it kind of scared Nick a little. You know when someone's truly angry when their actions differ or stray too much from their usual self.

Nick knew that the Old geezer was angry, and he knew why, but he didn't address it right away. Instead, he grabbed the tattooed man and attempted to enter the Palace.

Shwa! Dong!

"It worked!" Nick was so excited that he threw the man in his arm over his shoulders and to the ground to celebrate.

"Ahem, Old geezer, I was in the wrong, my dear friend." Nick apologized to the angry Geezer sincerely.

"Hehe." A very sarcastic giggle was all that Nick got in return though.

Nick wasn't an ungrateful bastard. He knew that he had spat on a helping hand. And he knew how rarely that shriveled up helping hand reached out by itself. So, after debating heavily with himself Nick gritted his teeth and said, "Please don't be angry…Great Domineering Yin Yang Blackhole Punch King!" Nick felt sick to his stomach calling the Old geezer that.

Great Domineering Yin Yang Blackhole Punch King was the name the Old geezer had first called himself, and even though he had insisted on Nick calling him that constantly this whole time, Nick had never once done so, much to Old geezer's dismay. But Nick knew that this was the only way he could cheer up the Old fart now.

"Please don't be angry…Great Domineering Yin Yang Blackhole Punch King!"


"Please don't be angry…Great Domineering Yin Yang Blackhole Punch King!"

"Please don't be angry…Great Domineering Yin Yang Blackhole Punch King!"

"Please don't be angry…Great Domineering Yin Yang Blackhole Punch King!"

"What is this?!" Nick asked in horror. His earlier words just kept echoing in his head nonstop all of a sudden.

"Hehe, brat, I knew for certain that I could get you to say my name at least once in this lifetime. And I also knew that you would never give me the satisfaction of repeating it, which is exactly why I have been recording our conversation this whole time, and it seems like it finally paid off!"

"No! You can't record someone against their consent, that's entrapment! Do you even have a warrant, wiretapping someone's conversations without a judge signing off on it is illegal!" Nick was about to lose his mind. How was he to know that one could record the mental conversations he had with the Old geezer?!

"Then, I will use your beloved catchphrase against you this time. Sue me! Hahaha!" The Old geezer was beyond himself with happiness.

"Please don't be angry…Great Domineering Yin Yang Blackhole Punch King!"

"Please don't be angry…Great Domineering Yin Yang Blackhole Punch King!"

"Please don't be angry…Great Domineering Yin Yang Blackhole Punch King!"

"Ahhhhh! Stop it!" Nick regretted it. But in retrospect, he kind of deserved this. Why did he have to do something so against his nature by trying to appease the Old geezer?

"Hehe, don't worry, I am just keeping this recording as a reminder of your filial piety." The Old geezer giggled and danced. Happiness truly did come to those who wait.

"Hmm." While Nick was thinking of ways to convince the Old geezer to delete the recording, the unconscious man seemed to be waking up as he released a confused groan.

Deboning fist!

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

Nick vented his frustration on the poor man before he could fully regain his bearing. Nick launched five conspirative attacks that he aimed at the man's neck, his shoulders, and his thighs. Leaving the man completely immobilized. And unlike the last time he attacked the man's neck, Nick chose to leave him conscious this time, and his attack only served to numb the spinal cord and slow down the man's motor function.

Ever since Nick had received the Deboning Fist, his knowledge about human anatomy had reached a terrifying level of mastery. Right now, he was skilled enough to disable a single joint out of the whole body with just a tap to the neck!

"Who are you?! Wait, it's you?! Where am I?! What do you want to do to me?! Do you even know who you're dealing with here?! Touch me and Master Crow will eat you for breakfast! What have you done to me?! Why can't I move my body?!" Shadow Two tried to move his neck to see the rest of his body but he just couldn't.

"Wuuu, did you chop off the rest of my body?! Am I just a detached head now?! Wuuuu, you are too cruel, how could you do that when someone was just peacefully sleeping?! I want my body back! Waaa!" Shadow Two lost all his tough demeanor as soon as he realized he couldn't feel the rest of his body. And as he kept staring at Nick tears streamed violently down his face. It didn't matter how tough a man was, nothing could be scarier than losing control of one's own body.