It's mine!

"That's good. Because my beast really likes males, specifically male humans. But I am glad you are kind enough to accompany him in a little exercise." Nick could hardly stop himself from laughing. The terror in the eyes of Silver and Shadow Two were so identical it was kind of off-putting. This was Nick's last resort. Nick swore that if it was him who was facing such a scary threat, he would have revealed not only his own secrets but everyone else's! And if this didn't scare the man into confessing, then he will just kill him and try finding Loyd on his own.

"You! Are you serious?!" Shadow Two couldn't believe his ears. Who in their right mind would think to do something like this?!

"Damn right I'm serious! Okay, I better leave you two alone, I'm pretty sure my pet will take you to its cave, which is a very romantic place by the way. Oh, and I don't know how long this…session of yours is going to last, but I hope you make it back alive, unlike the others who went to the cave before you." Nick then patted the man on the shoulders and walked off. Then he stood a little farther away, but Shadow Two didn't know if he was there or not because he couldn't move his head.

"Hey! Come back here! Are you even human?!" Shadow Two screamed as he kept on staring at Silver in horror.

Silver looked back at him in shock. Did this human really think Silver was interested in him? This human sure had a high opinion of himself!

"Silver, start sniffing the man. And try to look excited!" Nick coached his pet through mental command.

"Master, I will die before I fornicate with a human!" Silver adamantly screamed his message into Nick's mind.

"I know, I know! Who told you that you need to do anything of the sort? This is just a scare tactic to make the man tell me Loyd's position. The man you see before you along with his friends have kidnapped Loyd, and I need to get some information out of him, so play along! Humph, do you think I would do something so vulgar just to get some answers?!" Nick started to feel like he was being misunderstood. Why did people always assume he was up to the worst possible thing?

"Oh, is this that thing you told me about? That 'Acting' thing?!" Silver lost his nervousness when he realized his innocence would stay safe. And he didn't answer Nick's last question because he really did think Nick would do anything vulgar or not to get what he wanted.

"Yes, exactly! So pretend like the man in front of you is attractive and flirt with him, that ought to give him a little scare, hehe." Nick leaned on the wall as he watched on. He also bought a juice box from the system.


Back on earth. In a certain house in the suburbs.

"Here, honey. I packed you your favorite lunch." A mother walked over to her son and stuffed a lunch box into his bag.

"Did you put an extra juice box in there, mom?" The little boy asked his mom cutely.

"Yes, I did, honey. But this is the last time. So many artificial drinks aren't good for your health." The mom said sternly.

"Yes, mommy!" The boy said obediently. And he left the house hand in hand with his mom.

"Okay, your school bus is here. Have a nice day, honey." The mom said as a yellow boss stopped in front of them and opened its doors.

"Bye, mommy!" The boy kissed his mom on the cheek and ran onto the bus.

The boy then ran through the bus and sat right beside a little girl with ponytails as if he was used to this process by now.

"Hey, Jane, did you miss me?! I missed you!" The boy then turned to the girl sitting beside him and spoke with a blush on his face.

The little girl with ponytails was in the middle of trying to dig something interesting out of her nose when the boy interrupted her, and she was a little angry because of that. But she didn't stop her actions, no, why would she when she was so close?! And after a few seconds, she took out something and looked at her finger with satisfaction. This was what she had worked so hard for!

"Why would I miss you, Kenny?!" The girl snapped as she stuck her finger into her mouth in bliss.

The little boy's name was Kenny. And he looked on lovingly as the little girl sucking on the finger she had just picked her nose with. This was why he liked her, after all. "Hehe, I brought an extra juice box for you, here, Jane!" Kenny then took out the extra juice box he had begged his mom to put in his lunch box and offered it to Jane.

"Yay, you got me a juice box! I love you, Kenny!" Jane snatched the juice box out of Kenny's hands but gave him a peck on the cheek as compensation.

"Hehe." Kenny rubbed his cheeks sheepishly.

But before Jane could drink her juice, a small vortex appeared right beside her. And from it, a shriveled hand emerged, which grabbed the juice box.

"Ahhh! It's mine!" Jane held on to the box with dear life, refusing to let go.

"I don't see your name on it!" The Old geezer replied, as he stretched out another hand and pried Jane's hands open.

But Jane wasn't the kind of person to admit defeat so easily. So, she launched her special technique, which was hurriedly stuffing her finger into her nose and taking out a little black round substance, which she then rubbed on the juice box.

"It has my snot on it, do you still want it?!" Jane asked proudly and she even let go of the juice box. She had used this special technique to get a lot of things before, which was why she was sure it wouldn't fail her this time either.

"Why wouldn't I?! It's not like I'm the one who's going to drink it!" The Old geezer laughed and took the box into the vortex. But not before he left Kenny a little advice. "Little boy, don't trust these gold diggers! Once you run out of juice, they will run out on you too!"

Jane looked on with shock as the vortex closed, and she wanted to stick her hand in there to find the thieving hand but she couldn't muster up the courage to do so.

"Kenny, that hand took away my juice box!" Jane looked at Kenny with her watery eyes.

"It's alright, I will convince my mom to give me an extra one tomorrow as well and give it to you!" Kenny comforted Jane as he patted her on the shoulder.

"Wait, you still have your juice box, right?!" Jane perked up all of a sudden. Yes, Kenny still had his own so what was there to worry about.

"Yeap!" Kenny said replied happily.

"Then can you give me that one?" Jane asked.

"But…that's mine!" Kenny looked at Jane in horror. Jane might be worth his extra juice box, but not his own.

"I know it is yours, but I will kiss you again if you give me your juice." Jane offered enticingly.

"Ahhh! You want my juice?!" Kenny's eyes turned crimson as he stared at Jane crazily.

"Well…" Jane was frightened.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Ahhh! It's mine, it's mine!" Kenny used his backpack to attack Jane as screamed like crazy.


"So, it is acting! But…didn't you say people get paid for acting?" Silver grew excited at the prospect of getting paid.

"Yes, people, do get paid for acting. I never said anything about beasts getting paid though, did I?" Nick spoke in a relaxed manner.

"Master, that is species discrimination! Besides, are you really going to make me flirt with a man who pissed on himself for free?!" Silver's eyes grew large as he asked. He was trying his best to look cute.

"Hmm…good point. How about you do what I tell you and I will give you some more Dark heavenly gold after we leave this Secret Realm?" Nick proposed.

"Human, your hands look delicious!" This was the only flirty line Silver could come up with for a human.

"Are you going to eat me?" Shadow two asked, confused.

'Damn it! What kind of flirting was that?! Tell him his eyes look nice.' Nick nearly threw his shoes at Silver.

"Your eyes look nice." Silver repeated what Nick told him to say.

"No, they're ugly! In fact, my eyes are my most unattractive features! Just stay away from me!" Shadow Two became certain of Silver's interest in him. Sigh, why was he so appealing to all races?!

"Now, start sniffing him a little!" Nick detached the straw from the back of the juice box and stuck it into the box as he sucked away.

Sniff, sniff. Silver reluctantly did as he was told but, Shadow Two's pants were soaked in pee by this point and the smell was entering Silver's nostrils like a flood, making him feel nauseated.

"NO! I will tell you what you want to know! Nick! Get back out here!" Shadow Two broke down when he saw Silver's head moving toward his crotch.

"Where is Loyd?!" Nick didn't go over or stop Silver. He just kept on sucking his juice while leaning on the wall. There was nothing like a juice box to ease Nick's mood.

"We took Loyd to our layer in the Secret realm!" Shadow Two confessed.

"And where is this layer you speak of? Slurp!" Nick asked as he sucked the last bit of juice from the box and threw it away. But then he noticed a small round substance attached to his hands…