The princess and the pig

"Good luck piggy, I will be rooting for you!" Nick gave piggy a thumbs up, then kicked her out of the palace.

Piggy was the only creature among those in the palace who could move around the city undetected. And even though Silver could manipulate his size for a short period of time, his high cultivation would still make him easy to detect to the powerhouses in Gathering city.

Outside the palace, the little Piggy landed on the roof and began turning her head to look around this foreign environment with a mixture of wonder and fear. But the first thing Piggy noticed about this new environment, was its horrid smell!


"Oh, my god! What is this going on here!"


"The smell is nauseating!"

"What is going on in this city?! Why are people running around in search of toilets?!"

"I don't know, I just came to the city a few minutes ago. But I think a violent plague has washed over the city! I even saw a few women, shitting in the middle of the street!"

Nick hadn't checked the outside world for a little while since he had been busy interrogating the assassin. But after sending Piggy out of the palace, Nick turned on the system's outside viewing function in order to check on piggy's progress on her way. After all, the palace was currently anchored to piggy, and the exit to the palace would move along with her wherever she went.

And when Nick began viewing the outside world, he got startled by what he found. Because what he found was chaos! Utter chaos! The streets, crowded with people with their butts clamped, the air filled with the putrid smell of shit, and the cries of people in agony resonated throughout the entire city! The scene was just too…beautiful! Nick had completely forgotten about the burgers, especially because the effects weren't as immediate as they were when he used it before. He even figured that cooking the patties with the medicine might have destroyed the properties of the laxative, but it seems he was wrong; the cooking had only delayed the side effects!

Oink?! (Where the hell has he sent me to?! And why does it smell like shit here?!)

Piggy grew scared of this new place and circled around the roof a couple of times in an attempt to return to the palace.

Nick found Piggy's reaction to the smell weird. Shouldn't a pig enjoy garbage and bad smells?

But if piggy heard Nick's thoughts, she would have screamed in protest for her kind. When did pigs ever say they enjoyed bad smells or trash?! They just ate it because they didn't have any alternatives, and also because their parents raised them properly, to make sure they weren't picky eaters.

Finally, piggy realized that returning to the palace was nearly impossible till she completed her task, so, she followed her instructions and began scaling down the roof. Nick had told piggy to just jump off the roof since the beast was in the profound realm from the moment she was born, but Piggy decided it was too risky to do. She was just too valuable a commodity to the world.

"What is that stupid Pig doing?! I told her falling won't hurt her!" Nick grew angry from watching piggy climbing down the walls slowly.

Oink. Oink. Oink! (One step at a time is the way because I am not pressed for time. I will slowly climb down this thing, and will proceed to conquer the world!)

And after a couple more minutes, piggy finally felt her bottom feet touch the ground. So, she did a cool looking but unnecessary flip and landed on the ground. She figured that anyone who saw her would assume she had jumped from the building.

Oink. (Now, where can I find the exit of the city?) Piggy looked around trying to find the exit gate that Nick told her about, and she soon found the large open-door Nick described. But suddenly she heard something interesting.

"High-quality beast meat, come and get it! The meat would taste good even if you ate it raw! And you can buy it for just One transcendence stone!" A man was standing beside a large beast carcass as he promoted the meat. And whenever a customer came to buy some meat, he would chop off a portion from the dead beast beside him and give it to the customer.

Oink. Oink! (I can't find the exit Nick described, let me ask the man selling delicious meat for directions.) Piggy lied to with a straight face and stopped heading to the exit before her. Instead, she walked in the opposite direction, to the man with the beast meat excitedly.

"Is this pig crazy or stupid?! Is this pig really going to a butcher voluntarily?!" Nick felt like he was losing his mind.

Oink! Oink! Oink! (Hello there, friend. I am piggy, I am interested in this high-quality meat, give me!)

"Huh?" The man heard some squealing under him and he looked down to see what was going on. But he didn't expect to find a brave pig to be the culprit. In his twenty years as a famous butcher, this was the man's first time to find a prey offering itself with such gusto.

"Too bad you're weak if only your realm was a little bit higher." The man then crouched down and picked piggy up. And Piggy didn't resist since she thought this was part of the selling process?

"Special offer! Special offer! Ladies and gentlemen, don't miss this one-time-only sale! For just an extra Origin stone you will get this…Hog…with your purchase! Don't underestimate this…hog though, it can be a pet or companion to keep you from feeling lonely, and even serve as your emergency food supply when your out and about in this Secret realm!" The man advertised.

But Piggy's eyes remained glued to the large dead beast beside her, salivating heavily, she didn't hear a word the man said because he wasn't as important to her.

"I want it! She looks so cute, I could just eat her up!" A rather nice-looking young woman screamed from afar as soon as she heard the offer. Piggy was just too cute.

Piggy had just woken up from her daze when she heard the young woman screaming out while pointing at her.

Oink?! (I get why you are calling me cute, and why you look so excited to see me. But what do you mean you will eat me up?!)

"No! I want her! This pig would look great with an apple stuffed in her mouth!" A middle-aged man spoke out.

Oink. Oink. Oink! (I agree, I would look great when eating an apple. But there's no need to stuff the apple in my mouth, you could just give it to me in my hands, I will eat it slowly, like a pig with manners!) Piggy liked this man better than the young girl.

"…" Nick watched in horror as Piggy smiled at the people trying to eat her.

"Sorry buddy, but first come is first served! Here you go young lady, here's your beast meat, and here's your…Hog!" The man then chopped off a portion of the beast meat and wrapped it up in some cloth and handed it to the young woman along with Piggy.

But the woman found carrying them both like this unbearable. So, she unwrapped the meat and placed the tiny piggy together inside with the meat, only leaving her head out in the open so she wouldn't suffocate. Then she cradled it in her arms as if she was carrying a baby, as she walked out of the city.

Piggy ducked her head into the wrapped-up cloth and took large bites out of the meat, as she enjoyed the view of the city passing by around her.

Oink! Oink! Oink! (What great service! Not only do I get to eat high-quality cuisine, but I even got me a little human slave for transport!) Piggy really liked this human world a lot better now.

"This…what is this?!" Nick was minutes away from pulling his hair out. Where did that cunning little pig that he felt a kinship to go?! Why did this pig seem naïve and stupid all of a sudden?! What the hell are you grinning about?! The woman is going to eat you!

Soon the young woman passed the city exit and began running east at a fast pace.

Oink?! (Slow down stupid human, I can't enjoy my food when you run fast like this?!)

Soon Nick felt like they were far enough from the city and that there wasn't anyone for miles. So, he exited the palace while simultaneously sending piggy, back into the palace.

"Ahh!" The woman screamed in horror.

"No need to act so dramatic. It's just the classic tale of the man being cursed into a frog, well, in my case a pig, and then, after true love's kiss, he turned into a prince!" Nick spewed lies from his mouth as if they were the god's honest truth.

"How is that possible?! And also…I didn't kiss you!" The woman stepped back a couple of steps. This was far from ordinary.


"That's no reason to be upset!" Nick then ran over to the woman and gave her one long kiss.


"Well, thanks for helping me break the curse!" Nick smacked the woman's bottom and smiled.

"Y…your welcome." The woman replied with a blush.

"Hmm. Well, now I'm off to find my princess, bye!" Nick then ran off in the direction of Master Crow's layer.

"…" The woman looked at Nick's disappearing figure in shock and at a loss. But then she screamed out. "I don't even know your name!"

"My name, is Albert Einstein, nerd by day, and lady's man by night!" Nick roared out before he disappeared completely.

"You let Shadow Two escape?!"

Inside a mountain, in a rugged-looking hall, a man sitting on the main seat lashed out at the four people men kneeling in front of him. This man was dressed up in blood-red clothing, which had a medium-sized demon embroidered on the chest area. This man was one of the most revered and feared assassins in the continent, Master Crow!